Since DitmasParkBlog won't wish you a Happy Kwanzaa, I will. One wonders why they wish their readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah but no Kwanzaa.
UPDATE 6:00pm: Just got an email from a neighbor who asked the DitmasParkBlog why they do not observe all holidays and only certain ones (read: white holidays) and the response that the neighbor got back from "ditmasparkblog" was, "if you are inquiring about Kwanza it is not a holiday."
Yes, they spelled it wrong and yes, they are anti-minority. We all know that they would be the first to scream if we said that Hanukkah was stupid.
Less than 2% of African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa.
ReplyDeleteChristmas is 2009 years old, Hanukah is 200 years older than that.
Ron Karenga invented Kwanzaa in 1966.
In about a thousand years we wll know if it is a tradition or a 60's political statement.
Is that you no-slappz?
ReplyDeleteWhere the hell is your proof about AA households and celebrating Kwanzaa? Did you do your own survey?
3 minutes on Google resulted in many resources.
ReplyDelete2% is actually generous, the surveys show that 1.6% of African Americans “plan to celebrate” Kwanzaa
The majority of African Americans are Christian.
Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the African American community.
Please enjoy Kwanzaa but it is not an issue to defame the Ditmas Park Blog.
Nor will you find any great support in the African American community for not mentioning Kwanzaa in a blog.
Low blow..gross.
ReplyDeleteAs a person of color (yes) - DROP IT. "since ditmas park won't wish you a happy kwaanza..." finding ways to stick it to them in the name of "racism". Be an adult not a teenage girl.
You come off as equally racist singling a blog out. What about Ramadan, Dia de los reyes, etc.
You do know this neighborhood is not just black and white - it's tibetan, pakistani, dominican, lebanese, ashkenazi, etc, etc. so we're leaving out an entire segment of the demographic - unless you feel that anyone not black is "white".
Racism whether it's from a white person or a black person (or anyone) is a disease.
I understand when people of color have felt disenfranchised and express legitimate discrimination. But at times we use "racism" when it doesn't apply. It devalues the word, sadly. I know people who are white and the majority of their friends are white. Are they racists? I say, no. Same goes for black people.
Please practive tolerance. Offer solutions, not vitriol.