Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sen. Parker is an embarassment

I am an identity politics voter in most instances but I will not be supporting Kevin Parker ever again. He has been a complete embarrassment and really should resign even if it means a Republican majority temporarily. His latest is going on a tirade about "white supremacy."

Just go away Senator. Please just go away.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Ditmas Park Restaurant?

I ran into an old friend today from the area and she told me that an mid-upscale soul food restaurant that has other Brooklyn locations is looking to open up here. They are owned by two African-Americans which would mean a minority owned business is taking advantage of the buzz in the area. This would be great news and we hope to be able to break it here first--and with the name of the establishment--before anyone else.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More proof of Ditmas Park Blog's racism continued...

Ben Smith has recruited another non-latino reporter to his day job, Maggie Haberman.

The godfather of his day job is a bircher and his father worked for George Wallace. I am Puerto Rican and Chilean but I do follow politics. If it weren't for the civil rights movement, many positive changes that affected Latinos would not have happened. I take great offense in the fact that the founder of Ditmas Park Blog is associated with someone whose father worked for George Wallace. If you weren't aware, George Wallace fought for segregation. I know my focus is primarily on issues of police misconduct but I believe that the way police treat minorities is directly related to who covers them. If the press is so welcoming to birchers, George Wallace sympathizers, and people like Ben Smith who doesn't like latinos and other persons of color, how can we expect them to expose police brutality and the continued state-sponsored harassment of ethnic minorities?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Whomever posted, I am unable to access the website. You can send an email to as I can check that email so that I can access the website.

Update: U Street Blues is everything you ever wanted to know about Ditmas Park Blog's Ben Smith established by a group of women who they have harmed. From my reading, and I have requested if I can post some of the info here, one is sleazy and the other is a nerdy snob who comes from a well heeled family and who is downright mean and vindictive. He apparently has burned his bridges that it looks like even his fellow college classmates have taken to the internet to discuss how awful he really is. I sent Bev an email with some highlights and we will be discussing this in the future and what it means for this blog and Victorian Flatbush as a community.

Short take away: Ben Smith is a fraud with an agenda.

Thank you,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

An update on ladies networking event

I got an email from an attendee from Kris W's networking event a few weeks ago who said it was lovely and she felt comfortable. The crowd was apparently more diverse from what I had heard of previous events.

Good for Kris. The neighborhood needs more inclusive events.

More proof of Ditmas Park Blog's racism

Via an emailer, Ben from DitmasParkBlog doesn't think that American hero and civil rights icon John Lewis was called a nigger. This should surprise no one. An emailer sends on a posting from an Andrew Breibert who says that Ben said to him that, "Ben Smith of Politico on Congressional Black Caucus N-Word Scandal: 'i think you've pretty much won this one, no?' "

Who has won what? I believe that John Lewis was called a nigger by the white people at those vile protests. They weren't protesting taxes they are protesting a black man in power. Someone who doesn't look like Ben and his gentrifying harpies. They fear him. A black man is the most powerful person on earth and they can't deal with it. This apparently includes Ben. I haven't had time to search on this Andrew guy but when I do, I am sure to find that he most likely shares the racist views of Ben and the people at DitmasParkBlog.

A sidenote: Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers. My family can definitely use it at this time. We have faith in the lord that he will get us through all of this. As for my lawsuit, my son is going to show me how to post the court documents in a readable version on the website for all to see. I hope to be back full-time in the near future. Thanks again for the wonderful emails.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Prayers for Beverly

Bev's daughter Cynthia was in a horrific car accident last week in Los Angeles. Someone ran a red light, hit her car and then Cynthia's car was hit again. She is currently in ICU. Please keep Beverly, Barry, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

So much sadness in the world these days.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Liena Smith is either a racist, a fool, or both

I was one of several quoted(off the record) in the NY Times article about notorious Victorian Flatbush mega-agent Mary Kay Gallagher. A friend and fellow neighbor asked if I was interested in giving comment on a story that they were working on about Mrs. Gallagher. I was hesitant at first but when I was told that it would be mostly "background" info and I could be quoted in general I agreed.

I thought that the article was in general rather positive and quite fair to Mrs. Gallagher given her known history of her own form of redlining the neighborhood. I am not going to go into too much detail about our dealings with her but to be blunt: the old hag is a racist. Those are probably strong words but they are true. Mrs. Gallagher's "civic duty" are discriminatory and have been for decades. She's lucky she has avoided legal action but those that have the money and are minorities over the years have decided to go elsewhere and ultimately give her the middle finger. Kestyn is barely a step above Gallagher.

Noted "I'm not a racist" Liena Smith is disturbed that the Times would go on record for the world to see what Mrs. Gallagher is really all about. She acts as if the Times should not have printed the comments that Mrs. Gallagher is a racist. She is. Liena writes, ''that this sounds like quite the charge from the Times." If Liena Smith can prove otherwise that Mary Kay Gallagher is not a racist then she needs to do so.

Here is a suggestion Liena since you seem to know everything about the neighborhood and are popular--go door to door, census-style and ask who sold them their house. Document their race/ethnicity and get back to us. If you find a minority in which Gallagher was involved in the transaction, ask them if they paid all cash/more than 20% down payment(like yourself) or if they got conventional financing and how long did it take to closing and if there were any hiccups. This does not include the co-ops or condos I am only talking about the houses because Mrs. Gallagher's attitude depends on whom she is selling to and exactly what they are buying. Sure it may not be scientific but I think it will be very telling as to who sold whom their house. The minorities in this neighborhood who have dealt with Gallagher and those that wanted to buy in the neighborhood know the truth.

ETA: Pardon my language but it is this type of shit that gets me worked up. Liena Smith is not only acting as if Mary Kay Gallagher couldn't be a racist but completely acts as if redlining and other forms of racial discrimination did not occur when Mrs. Gallagher got her start or were practiced by Mrs. Gallagher herself. She acts as if racial discrimination in lending, buying, and selling of real estate never occurred. I know that she is a foreigner as she has said so herself, but her husband isn't. He couldn't have clued her in on the history of real estate racism that minorities faced in purchasing property. A brooklyn office of Corcoran was accused of doing this thing just a couple of YEARS AGO.

Friday, April 9, 2010

There are no African-Americans or Latino Reporters at Ditmas Park Blog's Day Job

Their sole black reporter has left. Ditmas Park Blog is fully employed at a colorless job. I would like to remind everyone that this is 2010. How is anyone expecting them to promote diversity over there when he can't even promote or encourage diversity at his own workplace and he is their shining star.

ETA: In the saveditmaspark inbox there was a response about this from a former employee of Ditmas Park blogs day job who agreed with my point and explained how two Caucasian reporters were brought in by Ditmas Park Blog. This reporter said that she felt unwelcomed at this place of employment.


Please keep in your thoughts and prayers

Neighbor Merilee M. Her family could use everyone's prayers and good thoughts right now.

Thank you,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Minority Friendly Business of the Day: Castello Plan

They got a shout out a couple of days ago.

Go support them!

Is someone having an affair?

I got an email the other day from someone who says the answer is yes. Will have to investigate for myself.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Known facts of my case against Smith et al.

  1. Mr. Smith has said that "based on her IP address this is the same young disturbed woman in Manhattan." This is 100% false. There are only two IP addresses. One is at my husband's office in Manhattan and Mr. Smith will have to show which IP address he has. The second one is my home one in Brooklyn. If this wasn't so shameful I would be flattered that Mr. Smith considers a woman over 55 "young."
  2. Slandering me as "disturbed and using a dozen alias' to harass other bloggers." Mr. Smith has never provided proof of this. It is again 100% false.
  3. Mrs. Z-Smith sends an email disparaging African-Americans. This will be presented in court.
Again, I want to thank all of those that have supported me and have agreed to testify in my case.

My lawsuit against the racist crew at Ditmas Park Blog (UPDATED)

Will be filed in Civil Court tomorrow. I am suing Mr. Smith for $100,000 for defamation of character and harassment. I have been an upstanding member of my Brooklyn Community for over 25 years and in one day Mr. Smith ruins that all. I cannot go into too many details as to what my attorney found out but Mr. Smith is part of a prominent and powerful Republican Jewish-American family in Manhattan. (Update: One of his relatives is on the NY Court of Appeals-where minority cases go to die) I am fortunate that my own family has enough means to fight him and his family. African-Americans often do not have the resources to fight for their rights but I again extremely fortunate for my circumstances. My attorney warned me that given that Mr. Smith works for a prominent publication he will do everything possible to continue to smear and slander me and that this will get ugly.

I am prepared and I want to thank everyone who wrote in to support me. I also want to thank my family and friends who although sometimes do not agree with everything I do or say have remained supportive nonetheless. Dealing with cancer is going to seem like a walk in the park after this incident.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Email of the Day

I spoke with Ben who said that you are some crazy chick living in Manhatttan who for whatever reason has a grudge against him and the blog. Is this true? Did he do something to you?

That is absurd and downright slanderous. I first of all live in Brooklyn and would be more than happy to provide in private my phone number and street address to a legit person. Second, god doesn't hold grudges and nor do I. I am simply looking out for the best interest of my neighborhood. I really do not understand what his problem is. No one is forcing him to read my blog. If he is so bothered by me don't click. It is not as if I am the only person with a blog who doesn't like his. Notice that he isn't picking on The Real Flatbush which is hosted by a male. I've never made any threats to harm him or his wife so I do not understand what his problem is. For some reason he has chosen to pick on an African-American lady. In a very creepy way he reminds me of this white guy that my daughter dated. I blame myself everyday for what happened to her for if I was a bit tougher she probably would have never dated him and would probably be alive today. He was never happy with her. He was always spying on her and controlling her. He always had to know what she was doing and when at all times. She became anorexic because of his constant demands that she lose weight. Constant nagging and bothering. He didn't even bother to show up to her funeral. Just an awful person. I blame myself everyday for what happened as a mother is supposed to protect their child.

To answer the questions: yes, I live in Brooklyn, no I do not have a grudge against the Ditmas Park blog and it's owners, and yes I will continue to write about their racism as I see it. It is a free country and I am well within my legal rights to write this blog so long as I have not made any threats against anyone which I have never done.

One more final thought

I told myself that I wouldn't post anything about the people over at Ditmas Park Blog today but would just reflect on the events of the last 24 hours. I do have one final question: DPG claims that they represent the neighborhood yet the blog is hosted by three white individuals. Would it kill them to have a non-white contributor to bring real diversity to their blog that they claim they have lots of?

I am more than willing to bet that the DPG would be a better place if they did not have whites only posting. Tina who contributes with me is Latina. Is DPG saying they couldn't find one minority contributor to the blog that would bring a fresh voice?

Update on Brick Throwing

Well my husband spoke with the police and they said that there was really nothing they could do without a description of someone to go after. I personally think it was a hate crime against me because I am African-American and write this blog. The cop told my husband that it could have just been a prank. I highly doubt it given what happened to me yesterday. I haven't been able to sleep and probably won't for fear that someone is out to get us. I write this blog as my own personal thoughts and opinions along with my co-blogger Tina. I am hoping that people will leave me to peace to continue my writings. I do not seek to harm anyone with my blog but to make this neighborhood a better place.

DP Sighting: Curt T-T

On Cortelyou Avenue on Monday.

As a member of the Caribbean community and well known for being part of Full Force it would be interesting if he still has ties to the neighborhood. A neighbor points out that he is Jamaican which would make sense with him being around. He was seen leaving African Braids on Cortelyou.

For those of you who may not remember full force think Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam.

All hell breaks loose on my Easter Vacation!

Oh my goodness. I am in Seattle for Easter with the family and just checked my email to see that lots of stuff has been going on. I haven't really gone through the news on police brutality but I have heard that there are some good and needed changes for NYPD to become a department that actually serves all individuals regardless of skin color.

I am saddened by what I have read go on here and on the pages of Ditmas Park Blog. Now that she is going by her real name I would just like to vouch for Beverly. She is a very kind and loving person and wouldn't hurt a fly. Her husband is a fairly well-known doctor in New York and I seriously doubt he would be married to someone who is "disturbed." I haven't spoken to her tonight but I did respond to her emails and wanted to respond to what Ditmas Park Blog is saying about her. Calling someone you don't even know "disturbed" is quite painful. That implies that she must be crazy or something which is the furthest thing from the truth regarding Beverly. Some of the comments on that blog are really filled with vitriol and hate. Someone wants to call the police on a woman in her late 50s with a computer! That's insane! Are we in America or Cuba? My family fled from Cuba and I would like to hope that we are not. This is not a disturbed woman but one who cares deeply about her community. In my interactions with her, she is constantly wondering how to improve the neighborhood and believes that voices such as her own are not being heard in the new wave of residents that move in. I can totally relate as a long time resident but what I have always emphasized is if you don't like something and you think you can make it better then get to it! I am a strong and vocal advocate for diversity and the reduction of police misconduct across the country but primarily in New York City. Activism is hard sometimes and often filled with lots of emotions that run fairly high. I always tell myself that it is a long process to achieve just minimal change and not to get frustrated. I have emphasized that to Beverly as well.

I won't be back around for the weekend for the most part but I will pop in here and there and hopefully the emotions will have settled down.

BTW, Beverly knows this as I have said it to her many times about promoting more minority businesses. Sure Ditmas Park Blog should be called out when they act unjust but we should also be promoting businesses that they don't cover. In addition to reporting on police brutality and bringing awareness we can fill a void left by Ditmas Park Blog. I'm all for bashing Ditmas Park Blog when need be be but I am hopeful that we can promote businesses that could really use our support in these tough economic times. Often these businesses are minority owned as minority owned businesses are the least likely to receive grants and loans because they are considered high risk just by being owned by a person of color.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

ETA: I just went and re-read the post over at Ditmas Park Blog. Ha! Threatening violence?!?! Get out of here! What kind of nonsense is that? Who threatens violence over blog postings? This isn't stormfront. I am not going to reveal my last name but I would never be associated with someone who is actively threatening violence against other individuals. That's just insane. They should know better than to spread those kind of lies about someone. It really isn't that serious.

Someone just threw a brick through our window

This is absurd. My husband has called the police. Thanks a lot Ditmas Park Blog. Now I have people terrorizing me. You are lucky that no one got hurt.

I am officially afraid for my life. Why? Because I expressed my views on my own blog which is what I am entitled to do under the first amendment.

UPDATE: And yes we are wide awake.