Actually I will comment.
Save Ditmas Park Blog's email box had several request asking to unblock the names in the emails that I am publishing. The blog from which these emails are originating from is run by three women who were apparently wronged( I say apparently because I cannot completely confirm whether or not they were wronged) but the emails do seem to suggest so by a couple of journalists at Politico. One of the women on the website posted her own emails and made it clear that she did not mind the author's name appearing. I am not going to post his full name as it is up to the readers to do their on research.
Also, someone asked if these were "hookers who didn't get paid well." What a sexist question. Does anyone really think that(according to their bios), an epidemiologist, a chemical engineer, and a lawyer are all "hookers who didn't get paid well?"
UPDATE: I removed one email after getting a harsh email from "Lisa" about claims that her man was cheating on her. I will repost it if others become available that seem to back up claims. I think that is a fair request.
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