Friday, October 1, 2010

Proof that Rick Sanchez was right

...they fire him. Another latino fired for speaking the truth while bigots and racists like Ben keep their jobs.

I wish my fellow latino well.

Update: Remember Octavia Nasr? She was sympathetic to muslims and got fired. So just a recap: say anything about those that run the media and get fired but write racist articles about African-Americans on your blog hosted by a mainstream website and keep your job?


  1. If you openly disparage your employer in the national media, you put your job at risk. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

    Though Rick Sanchez is clearly not a genius.

  2. Tina, I feel like you are the stupider one. Please prove me wrong and next post, say something not half dumb. Thanks! :)

  3. I assume 'your blog' is referring to the DPB (if it's not, please correct me). How do you not see the difference between having a personal blog (that doesn't post racist articles anyway but that's beside the point) and being a public figure speaking on a public program on behalf of yourself and the company you represent, which happens to claim itself to be a credible news source?
