Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have been getting quite a few emails from people since my last posting a few hours ago. Instead of responding to each email with the same responses I am posting some answers that I think will be helpful:

  1. I have no problem making this a place where minority businesses are promoted. In fact since I frequent them I will do that in the near future. Contrary to popular opinion I have in fact discussed minority businesses in the past. Before I was banned from Ditmas Park Blog I sent the co-owners several emails about minority businesses for them to list who could use all the exposure they can get. I got not a single response and there were no postings on their blog. That is one of the main reasons why I decided to start my blog because of their blatant bias.
  2. I would be more than willing to go to the next gallery opening Kris and will introduce myself. I apologize if you were offended.
  3. As for Jamilah's email. What can I say. That was only one of a few that she has sent me and no, I will not disclose who she mentioned as working with the co-owner of Ditmas Park Blog that she is referring to. I have seen one email and that is all that I will say. I seem to be getting several emails about that one. Kind of nosy aren't we folks? From my speaking with her those emails caused her to at one point want to take her own life. She speaks about how if it weren't for the kindness of myself and others she probably wouldn't be here today. Shame on Ditmas Park Blog and their day employers. We can always find someone to talk to may it be strangers or god for guidance. I am glad that I was able to help and she seems like she is doing well down south.

Revealing my "source."

Below is a reprint of the email that I received from my source, her real name is Jamilah which I confirmed long ago. I have redacted her roommates name.

Hi Beverly,

Funny, I got an email from my ex-roommate XXXXX today yelling at me about how she is getting threats on her life. Whatever. I look at it as Karma for what she did to me. Anyway, I am so sorry to hear about what is happening to you and that you had to reveal yourself on your blog. Doesn't it feel a bit refreshing? lol. This is no surprise to me as this is what Liena and Ben do. As I stated to you in my very first email to you way back when, I along with my roommate were avid readers of political blogs during the campaigns. My roommate did some work for the Obama campaign back in 2008 and has since enrolled in law school. Her boyfriend and my now ex-boyfriend were very good friends until they had a falling out. My ex was abusive and XXXXX who needed help covering her rent offered me to room with her as I was attending John Jay College which was right around the corner from her place at the time. I didn't finish at John Jay because of personal issues and have been moving around until I find the right place. I think Atlanta might be it.

Back to Ben and Liena. Firstly, I and XXXXX used to write letters to the editor of various news organizations. XXXXX often got published because she is quite eloquent and argues her points well with always a bit of clever wit. Although we are not friends any more she is a very smart person. Google XXXXX and you will see that she was involved in a landmark lawsuit out in XXXXX for those with learning disabilities. She did all of that on her own with very little money and I admired that in a friend as she was a go-getter. It is unfortunate that we are no longer friends and she blames me for all of her woes.

Anyway, in regards to the letter writing I was nasty in my letters and often emotional which is probably why I never got published. lol. but as I showed you from my emails I NEVER threatened either of them. XXXXX stopped writing emails to everyone after the campaign ended but I didn't. I think it was because of her new man(friend of my ex) who occupied most of her time and school. Sometime last year over the summer two detectives came to XXXXX door. She apparently panicked because she called me immediately screaming about how she is going to law school and how I was trying to ruin her life before it ever began. She went on and on about how the cops told her that they were going to arrest her and she was in tears. She blamed me for everything. I mean everything. She was even willing to give them her computer to prove that she had done nothing wrong. She should know better as a law student not to hand over everything. How naive. I told her to relax and that they were just trying to scare her. She obviously didn't believe me as a few days later I get a visit from the police at my Aunt XXXXX's house. In addition, she asked me, no she demanded that I leave her place. I could have been evil and told her landlords that she was illegally subletting her place in a co-op but I didn't. I was a good friend. Wish I could say the same about her.

So back to Ben and Liena. Ben is a troll. A serious troll at that. Also, another writer at his day job sent me salacious emails for over a year. I'll admit that I started to develop a thing for him even though he was white and we were supposed to hookup but shit when you send someone emails at 11pm at night unitiated what does one expect? Yeah, I kept them all and plan to keep them to myself because again I don't kiss and tell. It is a shame that because he didn't like a few negative emails to him that he went all crazy and caused XXXXXX and me agony. Be careful of them. Take a screenshot of everything that they post about you and save all of your emails. The ranting about you today was to most likely get at me. They know damn well that you never threatened them and that you live in the area. And I should add an amazing pad. Wow.

You stay true to yourself. You are an inspiration.

All the best,


Yes, I am Beverly E(Eloise) Roberts

I got several links to a post on Ditmas Park Blog today in which the co-owner slanders me and I have been forced to reveal my true identity. I do not live in Manhattan but my husband has his doctor's office there. Until I was diagnosed with cancer I would often go in two or three times a week at his office to do the accounting and other things. My official title there was "Office Manager."

As a result of the outing I have withdrawn myself from a couple of the groups that I have been a part of for many decades here in Brooklyn. In addition, because of the harassment by Ditmas Park Blog's co-owners, my long standing catalog contract with West Elm, Pottery Barn, and Williams Sonoma (all of the same company I should add) has been severed, "effective immediately." It is a shame that one cannot have their own website without fear of being harassed and bothered. The first amendment grants me the freedom to write this blog about my beloved neighborhood. Yes, I do live here and no I will not give out my address as I have been harassed enough. I would like to say that I am in one of the many beautiful homes in which I have been criticized for my choice of paint color. Get over it. As to the co-owner claiming that I harassed her and threatened her life while she was pregnant? That is the most absurd and slanderous thing I have ever heard of. I only saw her once in public on Cortelyou with her two kids and what I am assuming was a friend and that was after another neighbor pointed her out to me. No words were exchanged. Also, I am pro-life. I have never bothered or even spoken to her or the other writers in person.

I would also like to point out that the harassment of my family and I started after I interviewed a young lady who used to live in Manhattan and described to me her fear of the co-owners of Ditmas Park blog. She found my blog and wanted to share her story. I was more than willing to oblige. She claimed that her then roommate had been harassed by the police as a result of the co-owners of the blog and that her then roommate turned her over to the police where she claims she was grilled for three hours at her aunt's home in Brooklyn. She blames the co-owners of the blog for the termination of the friendship she had with her roommate. This young lady said that once the cops came to her then-roommates place, her then roommate kicked her out and she was homeless for awhile. She provided detailed emails to me proving that she did nothing wrong. I recently spoke with this young lady who is currently living in Atlanta as she asked me for a doctor recommendation as my husband is a surgeon and knows people down in Georgia.

As for the criticism leveled at me, I did not send any email to anyone regarding Ditmas Park Blog and no I am not affiliated with the other minority owned blog that doesn't like Ditmas Park Blog. Why would I do that? I am not stupid and I have two children who are attorneys and I actually submit my blog postings to them before I publish them for review. Yes, you read that right. There is a reason why I usually post late at night as I often have to wait for one of my kids who do not live in the state to give me the "ok" on my blog posts. They do not necessarily approve of what I am writing but it is clearly vetted. As for "The Real Flatbush" we haven't even so much as exchanged emails nor even met. I think what he is doing is actually commendable and well within his first amendment rights. Ditmas Park Blog has no right or reason to bother either of us.

Finally, if they think this will get me to stop blogging about them, forget it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog doesn't feature a single local minority blog

But I have been told that they are doing the best for the neighborhood! Yeah, the white folks in the neighborhood. There are several minority run local blogs that Ditmas Park Blog refuses to display on their front page. By doing this they are depriving these blogs the exposure and traffic that their white counterparts are receiving on a daily basis to get their message and business out there. This is just another example of what Mr. Smith with his feminine lisp and his emasculating "wife" are doing in order to create an all white Ditmas Park Blog.

Shame on them

They can wish people a happy Passover...

but not Kwanzaa. I love how they note that not everyone celebrates Passover. Not everyone celebrates Kwanzaa either but you could have said something.

On par for the "I am not a natural blonde no matter what I do" Leina.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A little self-promotion

I have been dealing with my own personal health issues but one thing that has brought me joy and I have kept it hush hush for the most part is that one of my children is on the new show called "Model City." I won't embarrass him anymore than I already have but from what I was told at a season end party this weekend was that ratings were good but not great. So now here is the part where a proud mama asks that you all watch the Season Finale this week on CentricTv.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog's Co-Founder Works for a white's-only news agency

As you know this blog has taken to task the founders of Ditmas Park Blog for their lack of diversity and lack of focus on issues affecting all people of the neighborhoods. This may not fully explain where they are coming from but it does explain a lot.

I just watched on CNN's Reliable Sources a segment on POLITICO, which is where one of the co-founders of Ditmas Park Blog is listed as a "Senior Writer." I assume that he is privy to the "top editors and writers" morning meetings that Reliable Sources spotlighted this morning. I watched in shock that there was not a single woman or person of color who was considered to be a "top editor or writer" in the room. It was all white males. Comparing this lack of diversity to the lack of diversity on Ditmas Park blog is anyone surprised?

It is quite disturbing as blogs and websites are becoming the "new media" in which people get their information. We all know how the old media reports on issues affecting minorities such as police brutality and gentrification. Is this what we should expect from Ditmas Park Blog's co-founder and others who are part of the "new media?" If so, I recommend that if you read anything about race or gentrification and it looks like the author is sympathetic to the cops or sympathetic to developers, you need to be suspicious.

ETA: I contacted the co-founder of ditmas park blog about this and of course he has refused to respond. He really should address this or else we are left to think that he is a racist elf.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog Distant Relative Calls Our President, "anti-semite"

Read for yourself. Sure, it is a far off relative and we really shouldn't hold people responsible for their relatives actions but you have to wonder what the rest of the family must really think. This also jives well with the issue of power and police corruption in our own neighborhoods.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random Observation

I think I may have run into the owners of DitmasParkBlog at BAM in Fort Greene over the weekend. They just aren't satisfied spreading their hate in just Victorian Flatbush are they?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DitmasParkBlog founder appears on show slammed for lack of diversity

Although he did not make a physical appearance on "The Good Wife," nevertheless, the co-founder of DitmasParkBlog was on the show in regards to his other gig. He acts all surprised that he was on the show. Of course what he doesn't tell people is that one of the writers of the show lives part-time in Victorian Flatbush. Coincidence? I think not.

"I felt like I was entering the Klan's wives club."

A source sent an email about her acount at that "all lady networking shindig" that the founder of DimtasParkBlog was involved in. She didn't stay very long because she felt very uncomfortable and also found the women to be boring. No surprise there. According to my source, no one was really interested in her even being there and it appeared that practically everyone knew each other before the event. Of course they did, it was at the odious Kris W.'s gallery. I can't stand her nor her children. This is one of the yuppies from the neighborhood who is friends with this other white lady who refuses to comb her BLACK child's hair. It is appalling. The child's hair is always a mess when I see them near the playground or whatever the yuppies are calling it these days.

So there you have it folks, DitmasParkblog is actively promoting white "networking" events.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Source: DitmasParkBlog is following ZERO people of color on twitter

If this isn't further proof that they are gentrification blog I do not know what is. My source says that they don't even have any other minorities that they deem worth following.

Shame on them!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Real Flatbush


Another great blog that focuses on the gentrification thugs of DitmasParkBlog. Go read what he/she has to say about what Ben and Leina are doing to the neighborhood. We can win.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Probably White Women's Networking Salon

Anyone planning on going? Please email me if you plan to. It will be interesting to see the diverse makeup of this group. Or lack thereof as I suspect.

FYI: It is this Friday evening.