Sunday, February 27, 2011

Would someone please hand Ben a map?

I can no longer remain silent on what should be just common knowledge to everyone who graduated high school. This should also be common knowledge for someone who went to Yale and who graduated from Yale on their supposed "merit" and not connections. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD-- EGYPT, LIBYA, TUNISIA, ARE ALL IN NORTH AFRICA AND NOT THE MIDDLE EAST. WHY DO YOU KEEP REFERRING TO "UPRISINGS" IN THE MIDDLE EAST YOU IDIOT.

This is your press corps...

So, if he is not busy trying to butcher Ditmas Park he is butchering basic geography. Ay dios mio.


  1. WTF does this have to do with gentrification? Seriously.

  2. I just thought that it needed to be said.

  3. Jordan, Bahrain, and Yemen are in the Middle East.

    The real issue is why our muslim-in-chief president has totally failed to reach out and truly help the populations suffering under the bootheels of these Islamic thugs.

    Obama is in the position of being able to expand the boundaries of the FREE WORLD by giving a little help to over 100 million muslims who need a few guns or a powerful friend. But Obama is so much more of a supporter of Islamic dictators that he will not help "the people" rid their countries of these despicable tyrants.

  4. "The Middle East is a region that encompasses Western Asia and North Africa."

    -The U.N.

    Sorry, buddy.
    Stick to your gentrification rants.

  5. Gaddafi is now slaughtering Libyans. Where's Obama while helpless people are dying in attacks ordered by their own leader?

    It would take about an hour of US military efforts to kill, or at least persuade Gaddafi to stop and to give up his day job.

    But, as we know, Obama loves Islamic dictators and has no stomach for running them out of town.

  6. "This is your press corps...". No, Ben is a blogger, not a member of the press corps. Similar to your status. If you're not required to hew to journalistic standards, then neither is Ben. Just thought it needed to be said.


  8. The Middle East is a region that encompasses Western Asia and North Africa. It is often used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East.

  9. Tina flunks geography, again!
