That is how my source opened up their email to me about the writers of DitmasParkBlog. I have had subsequent phone conversations with my source and her family. We are dealing with two people who come from rich Republican powerful families who will use their power to oppress, intimidate, and harass minorities. They have allies and friends at city hall. I had no idea that they were related to a NY Supreme Court Justice and that they have relatives working as NYPD officers in high places. What is worse is that one of the writers is a journalist and has no problem using his allies to discredit and humiliate those that get in his way. I am so glad that my sons do not live in this state anymore where they could be subject to the DitmasParkBlog's shenanigans. We are up against the worst types of gentrifiers -ones who will use their authority to achieve their goals by any means necessary.
After my discussions and my own research I can say with authority that the owners of DitmasParkBlog are powerful racists with enough clout to destroy minorities that they do not like. From their past dealings they specifically target African-Americans and Latinos. I am very fortunate that I am in a situation that should they ever think that they are going to target me or my family and friends that I can fight back. I have the time and monetary resources to do so. I have been very blessed. Others are not so fortunate as was the case with my source who still lives in fear. I will do everything in my legal right to get the word out about them and their awful ways. They set out to destroy lives and now they are trying to destroy my neighborhood. I will not let it happen.
More posts to follow on my conversations with my source and what we can do to stop them.
UPDATE: When I spoke with my source I suggested that her family file a lawsuit against B&L for harassment. I gave her a few free contacts and she has an appointment with an attorney next week. Good. Enough is enough.
Second Update: Apparently, B&L have defenders. I've received several emails after my post. "Why are you so hateful?" "B&L are trying to improve the neighborhood for all races." "Have you ever tried talking with B&L they are very open people and are most likely to address your concerns."
My response to all: I'm not hateful I just hate B&L for what they are doing to my neighborhood. If they really cared about all races why are they bashing the dominican salon on Cortelyou? Why do they rarely promote minority businesses?
I have sent friendly emails to them voicing my concerns before I started my website and even submitted events to be promoted that were happening in the neighborhood. They did not respond. nor did they promote the family friendly events. Mighty funny that those events were events being put on by people of color.
They are awful people and their nasty white defenders can defend all they want. They have left their mark before and it isn't pretty. Like I said before, I will do what I can to save the neighborhood and help out those who have been effected by these horrific people.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I just signed up for Yelp and I recommend that others do as well. You can review places in Ditmas Park and if you don't like them you can say so. I will be writing reviews of Ditmas Park Blog and their favorite places.
If we are going to stop them we have to get creative.
Update: Posted a couple of reviews. You should too.
If we are going to stop them we have to get creative.
Update: Posted a couple of reviews. You should too.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
This is just another update on the second night of Kwanzaa but those people at DitmasParkBlog have NOT mentioned Kwanzaa once on their blog. They hate minorities.
Reader "K" and I went on a walk today on this wonderful day and she pointed Leina out to me. Reader "K" lives on her street. I have to say I was surprised as she looked terrible and old. Her roots needed to be recolored. Reader "K" said that she is in her 30s but she looked very old. As the first black homecoming queen at a prestigious university I have to say that she needs to get a makeover. Leina, if you are reading, my sister is a dermatologist. Send an email if you would like her information. I am reminded of what my mother-may she rest in peace used to say-black don't crack. As I stated earlier I am working on a series of blogs on the nasty gentrifiers.
Again, what happened to the Patriot Act?
Reader "K" and I went on a walk today on this wonderful day and she pointed Leina out to me. Reader "K" lives on her street. I have to say I was surprised as she looked terrible and old. Her roots needed to be recolored. Reader "K" said that she is in her 30s but she looked very old. As the first black homecoming queen at a prestigious university I have to say that she needs to get a makeover. Leina, if you are reading, my sister is a dermatologist. Send an email if you would like her information. I am reminded of what my mother-may she rest in peace used to say-black don't crack. As I stated earlier I am working on a series of blogs on the nasty gentrifiers.
Again, what happened to the Patriot Act?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Kwanzaa!!!!

Since DitmasParkBlog won't wish you a Happy Kwanzaa, I will. One wonders why they wish their readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah but no Kwanzaa.
UPDATE 6:00pm: Just got an email from a neighbor who asked the DitmasParkBlog why they do not observe all holidays and only certain ones (read: white holidays) and the response that the neighbor got back from "ditmasparkblog" was, "if you are inquiring about Kwanza it is not a holiday."
Yes, they spelled it wrong and yes, they are anti-minority. We all know that they would be the first to scream if we said that Hanukkah was stupid.
Friday, December 25, 2009
I got an email from a source that after some verification is quite good. This person knows of the owners of Ditmas Park Blog and shared with me quite a bit of information about their backgrounds. A family member of my source was harassed by the owners of Ditmas Park Blog because of their race. They have even tried to have minorities that they don't like thrown in jail! They are truly out to ruin this neighborhood and purge it of long-time and minority residents. It's the holidays and I am quite busy as all of my children are here for the first time in years but I am working on a very lengthy blog post regarding Ben,Liena, and Nelson, and what we can do to stop them. Liena is an "urban planner" it is her job to gentrify and get rid of minorities in neighborhoods such as victorian flatbush. My source says that her efforts are all the more stunning given her immigration status. I thought we had the Patriot Act?
There will be much more on these two awful people in the coming days and weeks.
There will be much more on these two awful people in the coming days and weeks.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Vox Pop
So sorry to hear that the NYS Taxation department has reared its head. Really, I am.
It really is a shame when this sort of stuff happens but we all have our purposes in life--and connections.
It really is a shame when this sort of stuff happens but we all have our purposes in life--and connections.
Friday, December 11, 2009
No way! DitmasPark blog promotes diversity!
I am shocked but pleasantly surprised that DitmasParkBlog-also known as gentrification central--is promoting Sacred Vibes. Karen, the owner, is African-American and has wonderful teas. This is very surprising as Liena is usually anti-black and anti-brown.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Last week I and three other local residents spent a few hours talking with various business owners along Cortelyou about the influx of white racist yuppies. We encouraged them to boycott Ditmas Park Blog and in particular Liena and Ben.
The response was positive. One minority business owner complained about how his rent has gone up and he knows its because of the new people moving in. He said its as if his landlord wants him to fail so that some other business can move in. Of course he is right with the help of the writers at Ditmas Park blog.
Another lady who works at a hair salon complained about how the new people come into her shop to complain about how they need to fix the place up and make it modern. The hair salon is clean but it is run by minorities which of course these people equate "old" and "dirty" with. The lady took our flier and said she would be willing to boycott them. She also recommended a neighborhood group for the minority business owners to combat the gentrification that directly impacts their livelihoods.
We hope to make this a once a month "protest" in which we get out and talk with business owners. In the meantime, I and others will be doing our little part to expose Ditmas Park Blog and the writers, Liena and Ben who seek to ruin our area. One neighbor told me that they don't pay their taxes. I will be following up.*
*Ed. note: We apparently have some pro-gentrification folks who want to cause trouble. As I stated in the comments section I do not know if the writers at Ditmas Park blog owe back taxes. A neighbor claims that they do. Do I believe the neighbor's claim? I really do not know and would have to do my own investigation. I don't even know their last names so I really couldn't verify at one point or another right now. At this point, as far as I know (remember who said that?) they pay their taxes just like everyone else until proven otherwise.
It is obvious that someone or a group of folks are trying to silence another minority voice in the neighborhood. After being shot rubber pellets at (and still have the scars to prove it) and thrown to the ground after participating in civil rights protests decades ago, this is nothing.
I will not be silenced.
The response was positive. One minority business owner complained about how his rent has gone up and he knows its because of the new people moving in. He said its as if his landlord wants him to fail so that some other business can move in. Of course he is right with the help of the writers at Ditmas Park blog.
Another lady who works at a hair salon complained about how the new people come into her shop to complain about how they need to fix the place up and make it modern. The hair salon is clean but it is run by minorities which of course these people equate "old" and "dirty" with. The lady took our flier and said she would be willing to boycott them. She also recommended a neighborhood group for the minority business owners to combat the gentrification that directly impacts their livelihoods.
We hope to make this a once a month "protest" in which we get out and talk with business owners. In the meantime, I and others will be doing our little part to expose Ditmas Park Blog and the writers, Liena and Ben who seek to ruin our area. One neighbor told me that they don't pay their taxes. I will be following up.*
*Ed. note: We apparently have some pro-gentrification folks who want to cause trouble. As I stated in the comments section I do not know if the writers at Ditmas Park blog owe back taxes. A neighbor claims that they do. Do I believe the neighbor's claim? I really do not know and would have to do my own investigation. I don't even know their last names so I really couldn't verify at one point or another right now. At this point, as far as I know (remember who said that?) they pay their taxes just like everyone else until proven otherwise.
It is obvious that someone or a group of folks are trying to silence another minority voice in the neighborhood. After being shot rubber pellets at (and still have the scars to prove it) and thrown to the ground after participating in civil rights protests decades ago, this is nothing.
I will not be silenced.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
When: November 29th @ 3pm
Where: In front of Purple Yam restaurant in Cortelyou (It is the favorite restaurant of DITMASPARKBLOG.COM and their evil gentrification friends)
Why: We will be protesting outside of this restaurant to send a message that African-Americans and other minorities in this neighborhood will not be ignored or pushed out.
When: November 29th @ 3pm
Where: In front of Purple Yam restaurant in Cortelyou (It is the favorite restaurant of DITMASPARKBLOG.COM and their evil gentrification friends)
Why: We will be protesting outside of this restaurant to send a message that African-Americans and other minorities in this neighborhood will not be ignored or pushed out.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Is Ditmas Park Blog Racist?
This is a question that long time residents should be asking themselves. It appears that this website that is supposed to promote our neighborhood does not allow African-Americans or other minorities to post. One could say that they are trying to purge long time minority residents both online and off. It isn't enough that they have made a concerted effort to drive out the minority businesses on Cortelyou, now they want to drive out the remaining minority residents in an effort to create their all-white utopia in Brooklyn.
As someone who has been here before these people were probably ever born, I will not be silenced.
As someone who has been here before these people were probably ever born, I will not be silenced.
Monday, November 16, 2009
This website will be dedicated to exposing those who seek to gentrify Ditmas Park and force the long term residents - many of which are minorities out.
I am a long time resident having raised five children with my husband who is a doctor. When we first moved here it was a neighborhood of middle class blacks and immigrants. No more. A few of my fellow friends and neighbors and I have formed the Friends of Ditmas Park group and plan to do everything possible to make Ditmas Park what it was before.
I am a long time resident having raised five children with my husband who is a doctor. When we first moved here it was a neighborhood of middle class blacks and immigrants. No more. A few of my fellow friends and neighbors and I have formed the Friends of Ditmas Park group and plan to do everything possible to make Ditmas Park what it was before.
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