Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ben gets called out for his selective outrage (UPDATED)

It looks like more and more people have just about had it with Ben and DitmasParkBlog. For those of you who think that I am nuts for going after DitmasParkBlog for being anti-minority, here is just one more instance of why I stand by my beliefs. Heck, my email box is also more proof but I don't need to tell you that.

A commenter asks Ben what we all have been wondering--why do you cover certain incidents(read: white people) and not others?

Will you ever write about the disturbing news that happened on prospect park train station? A cop was charged with sodomizing a man. There’s a court case happening right now. It seems that there’s only one blog that is writting about that. Why the silence when it comes to disturbing news with the nypd? Why are you protected them? What’s the deal here? The incidence you reported is indeed disturbing. No one should be targeted because of their religion, but is that any worse then racial profiling? Why don’t you have the same compassion for the countless African American men who are daily targets by the nypd. After all an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. Your selective outrage is indeed an injustice to all of us who has had the indignity to be targeted for who we are.

DitmasParkBlog's response is even more pathetic. He accuses the commenter of being hostile and confrontational. Translation: stop being aggressive black man! I have made similar comments awhile ago on DitmasParkBlog about how they refuse to cover issues affecting minorities in the area and was shouted down by the gentrification crew.

Also, based on my source for a post I wrote a bit back, it is not uncommon for DitmasParkBlog to stand up for the police since after all they are quite connected. They do not care about anyone but their own people(again, white).

Thanks to those that stand with me in exposing DitmasParkBlog for what it is--a nasty gentrification site that hates minorities.

UPDATE: I should also point out that DitmasParkBlog's response that the incident is outside of their area is complete rubbish. How many times has Ben or Leina started a post, "this is a bit outside of DP or Flatbush but..." Don't make me go through your archives.


  1. "Henry" the so called "commenter" on DPB quoted above is a fraud and a shill for "Eloise".

  2. John Henry-please. I am not the only person who objects to ditmas park blog.

  3. NYPD cops arresting culprits and perpetrators in the 70th precinct are arresting people who fit the descriptions given by victims and witnesses.

    That's how it is. Blacks commit more crimes that whites. A sad fact, but a fact nonetheless.
