Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Kwanzaa!!

Today is Unity. Since DitmasParkBlog won't wish you a happy kwanzaa, we will.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Quote of the day

"I’m wary of white people who talk about diversity as though it’s the “spice of life” when so many of them limit their involvement with diversity to sitting in coffee houses and talking to other white people about how great diversity is."--Jerry

DPB asks if diversity can be preserved

No! Not if they keep on running their hateful blog. They are the reason why this neighborhood is becoming less and less diverse. DPB like many white people like the idea of diversity but do not actually like minorities. They like to see minorities not actually interact with them.

Go away DPB you are why the neighborhood is becoming less and less diverse. Just go away!

Also: Merry Christmas and a Happy Kwanzaa!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Breaking: White People Still live with white people!

The numbers are out from the Census and New York City is still one of the most racially segregated cities in the country. I know that the gentrifiers would like to try to spin the fact that our neighborhood as diverse but if you look closely at the maps, we aren't that diverse. White folks still live together and socialize together. Blacks folks likewise. It is okay! We minorities SHOULD stick together.

Just say no to gentrification!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

On Alert

This has nothing to do with Victorian Flatbush but everyone needs to be on alert.

In the next two years, Ben and his white counterparts are going to be doing everything possible to make sure that our wonderful President and his beautiful black family are kicked out of the White House. We have to be vigilant and not let this happen. Any moment you see Ben disparaging our President (and that is often), he must be called out on it. He and the rest of the white media will be doing everything possible to tear down our first black President.

We black folks have been watching Ben and his cohorts try to damage this president. We may not be as vocal as the teabaggers but we are on alert and will rise to the occasion when necessary.

Some Tidbits

1) Don't forget tomorrow is the pub crawl! Be there but please be respectful!

2) I ran into Leina today and I have to wonder if that heffa has a job or is she just a trust fund stroller pusher. I see her at all hours around the neighborhood and just shake my head as to what she represents.

3) Do NOT vote Ditmas Park blog as best blog. I have emailed the Village Voice about there racism and suggest you do too.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Random Thought: Why is it so controversial to say that those people control everything?

Is it not a fact that the heads of major news organizations are jews?

Is it not a fact that primary owners of buildings in New York are jews?

Is it not a fact that the diamonds are controlled by the jews?

Is it not a fact that the heads of top schools and top departments are jews?

Is it not a fact that the major players in our government are jews?

Why is it anti-semetic to point out the obvious? Why is it anti-semetic to say that those people only look out for each other and no one else?

Our culture accepts a lot of racism against blacks and I don't see anyone saying anything about it. (see: sentencing, exploitation, etc). But when it comes to the jews, a group of white people, everyone goes crazy. What utter nonsense.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Closing Argyle Schoolyard Is All About Race

Sorry guys I have been a bit busy but a tipster sent me an email regarding BSW Neighborhood Association advocating the closure of the playground on Sundays. Why? Because of "older kids who make a lot of noise." Translation: the blacks and browns will hang out if we keep the playground open. My tipster noted that Ben and Liena are part of the association but apparently they do not endorse this. Or so they say publicly.

Please let your voices be heard! This is all about race regarding the closure of the playground. The minority populations in this area do not have the luxury of going to their summer home in Rhode Island or Massachusetts or even the Hamptons for their kids to play like many of the people who are part of the BSW Neighborhood Association.


This is off topic but I would encourage everyone to check out the blogs on the right side of the page. If you have not been reading UStreetblues, you should be. Lots of good stuff on Ben and another politico reporter.

Analysis: Following 657 on twitter, only 5 are black

This took awhile but the numbers are in and they are pathetic. On twitter, in America, Ben could only muster 5 black people to follow. Please recall that this is a "journalist" and that 14% of the population is African-American. It should also be noted that a preliminary analysis found that he follows only 8 latinos.

I have emailed him for comment and have not received a response. If Ben is inclined to respond, I will gladly post his response.