Monday, September 20, 2010

Ben's hiring!

Ben is looking for an assistant at his day job. I suggest that EVERY SINGLE MINORITY THAT CAN READ AND WRITE APPLY.

Let's see who he picks. I'm more than willing to bet it won't be one of us. This is your chance Ben to prove to everyone that you are not a racist.


  1. so that's it? He chooses to hire a someone who's from a minority and he's cleared of all your charges?

    I have a sinking feeling Ben's qualifications are higher than 'can read and write'.

    Why don't you apply?

  2. I just happened upon this blog today, and I have to say, it's the most successful example of satire I've read in a long while. The way you're able to so consistently stay in character is exceptional! At first glance, it seems a little cliché, but yours is such an accurate representation of an angry, black woman, determined to take on the big, bad world one white person at a time. Is Tyler Perry behind this? If so, I can't wait to see the movie. Thanks for making my day brighter!

  3. No it will not. He is still a gentrifier which is just as bad. He claims to be all about diversity but when he has recruited people to his job he has only recruited WHITE people. I say it is put up or shut up time in his claims of being so "diverse."

  4. The difference may be Eloise that while you ask that every single person from a minority who can read and write apply, he might be looking for a few stronger qualifications. . .

    But you can read and write! Why not apply?
