Monday, September 6, 2010

You know your neighborhood is being gentrified...

When the MTA replaces the Q with one of the newer trains. I rode the subway this weekend for the first time in quite awhile and was so disturbed that we had a new train. Everyone knows that the MTA could easily replace ALL subway lines with the new trains but the won't. Why? Because the MTA refuses to give tax paying citizens in the more "diverse" areas quality trains. Notice which lines have new trains? It is only the lines for the white folks like Ditmas Park Blog's own writers.

Call the MTA and tell them that ALL lines should have new trains. Not just the lines traveled by gentrifiers.


  1. um. what?

    The Q train is super diverse, servicing everywhere from commercial midtown Manhattan to eccentric Coney Island. How is this train not diverse? (I'm pretty sure you don't know what diverse means after all.)

    What specifically do you have a problem with in how the MTA is reservicing their trains? You expect them to reserve all or none?

    This is one of your most incomprehensible ramblings. And that's an impressive feat.

  2. Also, as you may not be aware of since you haven't taken the train in some time, the MTA and New York in general are hardly doing well fiscally and therefore your assertion that "Everyone knows that the MTA could easily replace ALL subway lines with the new trains but the won't." is rooted in your own ignorance and bigotry rather than truthful monetary reasons.


  4. Why spend big bucks on subway cars serving black neighborhoods when those neighborhoods are well served by Dollar Vans?

    It may be true that Flatbush Avenue from Empire to The Junction is like downtown Lagos, but those Dollar Vans get through the traffic even if they have to run over a few people along the way.

  5. Please Josh. The MTA could replace the A,B,C,D trains but they won't because they run through predominantly minority neighborhoods. Is it not a fact that the MTA discriminates based on area? Have you been to the uptown subway stops versus the east side? They are NEVER cleaned. Think that the fact that those areas are predominantly minority is a coincidence? I think not.

  6. Um, blogger? Hello?...check the Merriam Webster's definition of Gentrification. To your surprise, you will note that it is not a racially based issue. It is based on socio-cultural and socio-economic factors. Of course you can make it a racial thing if it so pleases you> Which from just skimming your blog, it looks like it does. So here's my point of view: I lived in Ditmas Park for 3 years. Worst neighborhood ever. EVER. Left in a hurry, will never come back, though real estate is dirt cheap and there were good deals. Why will I never come back, you ask? Because I have never, in my 40 years of life spanning several different Countries, experienced so much racial discrimination and pure hatred as I experienced from the Ditmas Park residents that preceded gentrification from people like me. It was simply a matter of walking down the sidewalk, on my way to the co-op or to work, and it would be a chorus of 'yo yo white bitch' from the huddles of men hanging around in front of their buildings under clouds of marijuana. On the street. Where children also live. Yeah. Awesome way to set an example. I also heard 'go back home, you f*#&$ing whitey', and several other equally idiotic comments. And these are the most benign ones. This is from complete strangers on the street. Granted, they were spoken by losers, but still racially based and oh so wrong. In addition, I found this to be the dirtiest, most unkempt, most crime-ridden neighborhood I have lived in. We could hear gunshots from our LR, coming from Ocean Av. And yet, we had moved in actually lured by the great prices and by the idea of diversity. It was important to us. Little did we know we would experience so much ignorant, primitive discrimination. Such ridiculous hatred. So to you dear blogger and to all those residents who are so terrified of improving your quality of life through gentrification: don't worry! Those people you love to hate and blame for bringing clean new Q trains are moving back out of your dirty, smelly, noisy, crime-ridden neighborhood faster than they could move in! Good Riddance Ditmas Park!

  7. What about the 7 train? Commonly named the 'international express'? Do Asians and Greeks and Middle Easterners not count as diverse to you?

    And just so I understand - you'd rather no new trains then any if the MTA can't provide them for all lines?

  8. look at a map. there's more to the Q line than just Ditmas Park and Midtown.
