Friday, December 3, 2010

Closing Argyle Schoolyard Is All About Race

Sorry guys I have been a bit busy but a tipster sent me an email regarding BSW Neighborhood Association advocating the closure of the playground on Sundays. Why? Because of "older kids who make a lot of noise." Translation: the blacks and browns will hang out if we keep the playground open. My tipster noted that Ben and Liena are part of the association but apparently they do not endorse this. Or so they say publicly.

Please let your voices be heard! This is all about race regarding the closure of the playground. The minority populations in this area do not have the luxury of going to their summer home in Rhode Island or Massachusetts or even the Hamptons for their kids to play like many of the people who are part of the BSW Neighborhood Association.


  1. What are you talking about?

    No one on the DPB supported this. And most posters went so far as to call such a closure based on noise 'mean' and 'insensitive'. It's clearly being propogated by cranky people.

    This is not about race, it's about community - a distinction you still have yet to realize exists.

    ps. in your world, what isn't about race?

  2. Josh, you are wrong.

    The closing of the schoolyard is rooted in race. Have you heard those people? Why are they so LOUD? Get yourself in a room with a bunch of blacks for half an hour and tell your ears don't hurt.

  3. no, no_slappz you are wrong.

    I live across from a school (not that school) and the kids are always loud. And by 'the kids' I mean ALL the kids.

  4. oh my god eloise, are you serious? this is such a stupid rant. oh my god.
