Sunday, December 27, 2009


This is just another update on the second night of Kwanzaa but those people at DitmasParkBlog have NOT mentioned Kwanzaa once on their blog. They hate minorities.

Reader "K" and I went on a walk today on this wonderful day and she pointed Leina out to me. Reader "K" lives on her street. I have to say I was surprised as she looked terrible and old. Her roots needed to be recolored. Reader "K" said that she is in her 30s but she looked very old. As the first black homecoming queen at a prestigious university I have to say that she needs to get a makeover. Leina, if you are reading, my sister is a dermatologist. Send an email if you would like her information. I am reminded of what my mother-may she rest in peace used to say-black don't crack. As I stated earlier I am working on a series of blogs on the nasty gentrifiers.

Again, what happened to the Patriot Act?


  1. Great!
    So now you're a stalker.

  2. “Again, what happened to the Patriot Act?”

    Eloise, are those Unabomber panties you’re wearing?
    Oh, sorry “Depends”.
    My mistake.
