Monday, May 10, 2010

One of Ben Smith's people gets SC court nod

What a waste. Don't we already have enough Ginsburgs, Steins, Cohens, in positions of power? It's not as if they use their power to help us minority folks out. As Ben has stated in emails to me, "I'm one of the chosen people." Ms. Kagan couldn't even find not one black or latino to hire at Harvard but I guess she supports diversity by hiring conservative white men.

Obama is becoming more and more of a disappointment every day.

I'll be back to my normal writing by the end of the week when I return to Brooklyn.


  1. One of your people is president of the USA.

    What a waste. It's not as if they use their power to help us minority folks out. As Eloise has stated on her blog, "I'm one of the chosen people."

    And before you stop reading and quickly label me a racist, I have to reiterate that in no way am I calling Obama a waste due to his race. Although I think you are.

  2. It's funny that someone so quick to holler racism is just as quick to employ it. How adorably tiny-headed!

  3. How nice of you Josh. Is it not a fact that the Cohens and Ginsburgs of the world have sought to only help themselves out?

  4. Just making sure - You're asking if it is a fact that the Jews of the world have sought to only help themselves? Correct?

    I would have to say no, that is not a fact.

  5. Eloise! You are an anti-semite! Plain and simple!

  6. Eloise,

    Is there a successful black nation anywhere on the planet?

    Is there a black Bill Gates? A black Einstein? A black Isaac Newton? A black Shakespeare?

    When you consider the history of the world, it is clear that blacks have contributed nothing meaningful to the intellectual advancement of humanity. A terribly bad record for blacks.
