Sunday, January 17, 2010

Away for a bit

I have been getting a emails about my absence. Sorry everyone. I am dealing with my own personal health issue and what is going on in Haiti. My sister's husband is from Haiti and still has family there. Everyone is doing as best as they can but are staying outside of their homes because of fear of aftershocks. Everyone has thankfully been accounted for.

My husband has been affiliated in the past with Partners in Health which is a great organization that is helping out with relief. Donate to them if you can.

I will be back soon. God bless.


  1. I allowed your hateful comment on “Do Not Send Cans of Food!!” to appear on my blog so people could see how you try to create controversy where there is none.
    You clearly did not read the post. I wrote that sending can goods is not as effective as sending money.
    As President Clinton and President Bush have stated, sending money will provide many more times the food and medical supplies needed and save more people faster.
    You are hurting the victims of Haiti with your bile.
    Click on “Peregrine” above to see the post and Eloise’s horrible comment.

  2. Get your butt back here so we can continue to kick it.
