Friday, January 1, 2010

Kwanzaa: Too little too late

Oh it looks like DitmasParkBlog reads us or have one of their defenders watching what we post because they are now advertsing on the calendar about Kwanzaa. It's too late. You should have known better. Obviously they do not like being called anti-minority. Too bad!

Hey guys: Kwanzaa ends today not tomorrow. Maybe if you actually knew some minorities instead of kicking them you would know this.


  1. The facts are “Eloise” is banished from the Ditmas Park Blog because every comment was spiteful and racist.

    Too little too late?

    Eloise is too much too often.

    “Eloise” (not its name) neither represents nor belongs to the community.

  2. Not ONE word about the tragedy in Haiti.
    Save Ditmas has NO concern other than her own aggrandizement.
    U-G-L-Y and B-I-T-T-E-R
    People suffer and “Eloise” the SHAM says NOTHING!!!
