Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Office Acquitted; Police Brutality of Minorities Continues; Ditmas Park Blog Silent

What else is there to say when a cop who has a history of misconduct, there is DNA evidence on the baton which he shoved up Mr. Mineo's ass, and another officer testifying? This is our justice system. I am not African-American but a white latina. If someone where to look at my resume they would know my ethnicity automatically but not necessarily when they see me. I have not had any run-ins with the NYPD but I do have a son who has. My son is biracial. Long story short, my son and his friends were harassed and roughed up by the cops. We went to the CCRB, cop was given a slap on the wrist even though the board found that what the cop did was harassment and used excessive force. The cop is back on the streets, pension in tact and probably terrorizing other folks for the hell of it. This is what your tax dollars go towards--the sanctioning of the NYPD as terrorists against minorities. It really needs to stop and it starts at the top.

It has long been past time for Commissioner Kelly to be fired or resign. This is just one in a series of incidents against minorities that have occurred under his tenure with no repercussions. Where was the Commissioner during this case? I pointed out how cops were not showing up for the Mineo trial but what was more appalling was the fact that Kelly was no where to be found. Eloise has already discussed how an innocent family was terrorized by the NYPD because the founders of Ditmas Park Blog didn't like something they said. I saw the exchanges that Eloise made with the lady and the fact that the NYPD would terrorize a young family because the owner of Ditmas Park Blog didn't like being called a punk should scare every single person of color living in New York City. It is important that if you are a minority you must be diligent when dealing with the NYPD or else you might end up with a baton up your ass and no justice.

Gawker, a site that is snarky but often on point gives a slightly funny but dead-on rundown on what you need to do to protect yourself. You can read it here.


  1. ”Eloise has already discussed how an innocent family was terrorized by the NYPD because the founders of Ditmas Park Blog didn't like something they said. I saw the exchanges that Eloise made with the lady and the fact that the NYPD would terrorize a young family because the owner of Ditmas Park Blog didn't like being called a punk should scare every single person of color living in New York City. It is important that if you are a minority you must be diligent when dealing with the NYPD or else you might end up with a baton up your ass and no justice.”

    Again this blog steps over the line as to what is actionable.
    It is only a matter of time before “Eloise” is brought before the mast.
    “Hateful” is being kind this blog.

  2. Eloise and Tina appear to be a pair of morons who like other morons, such as Michael Mineo, the moron who injured himself in the tattoo parlor where he worked and then tried to blame cops for his work-place accident.

    As for Ray Kelly appearing at the trial, well, why?

    The Commissioner has more important responsibilities than sitting in a courtroom all day.

    Same for officers. Should taxpayers pay Kelly or uniformed officers to sit in a courtroom as spectators? Or should they be performing their professional responsbilities when they are on the clock?

  3. What professional responsibilities? Harassing and terrorizing blacks and latinos with batons and plungers?

    That is a lie re: Mineo and injuring himself at the tattoo parlor. The defense attorneys most likely did not release his medical records because they didn't want more damning evidence of his drug use to be released. It is not because of a work-place accident.

  4. tina, you are so dumb you do not know whether Mineo was the defendant or the witness for the prosecution.

    However, you obviously think of Mineo as someone who would be a DEFENDANT. He has a police record. He is a liar, and his co-workers were selling guns and they have gang connections.

    Anyway, Kern and two other cops were the DEFENDANTS in this case. Mineo was the witness for the prosecution who claimed the cops had injured him.

    Obviously Mineo accidently jabbed himself in the butt with a body piercing tool while he was working at the Jigamon Tattoo parlor in Fulton Mall.

    He left work and ran into the cops while he was smoking pot to ease the pain in his butt. The cops chased him, his work-place wound opened up a bit and some blood leaked out.

    Then he got the brilliant idea to blame his injury on the cops. But, the jury saw Mineo for the liar that he is.

    If the prosecution chose to keep Mineo's medical records secret, it was due to the fact that he had plenty to hide.

    It was amusing to see Al Sharpton with Mineo. For Sharpton to give his time to a clown like Mineo, it can only mean that Sharpton is over the hill and totally irrelevant. No one will miss him.

    By the way, he used to live at 1902 Ditmas Avenue, until he ditched his wife and daughters. Last week there was an article about one of his daughters. It seems she was punched in the face by her boyfriend. What a shock.
