Thursday, February 11, 2010

"The outrage over a guy writting anti-semetic words on snow, as deplorable as that is, cannot be compared with state sponsored harassment..."

You can say that again. Harold is another Ditmas Park hero. He is absolutely right in his assessment of DitmasParkBlog. Like I said, there are many people in the neighborhood who think that DitmasParkBlog is for whites and jewish people only. The archives seem to point towards that. Are we really all supposed to share their outrage that someone is using their first amendment right in the damn snow?

Updated by Tina


  1. eloise wrote:

    "Don't even get me started about what I heard that the blog owners are trying to do to certain ethnic groups at their local school."

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. What you heard? What? A Klan rally at the school?

  2. eloise wrote:

    "If you want an all white school send your kids to private school in MANHATTAN. We don't need nor want you in our neighborhood."

    The public school gifted program in Brooklyn is almost all white and asian when the kids get to middle school.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hate speech isn't protected by the First Amendment, sorry "Eliose".
    I need not delve into the reasons why throwing eggs is also illegal.

    You seem eager to defend minorities. Since when is Judaism not a minority?
    I think I sense a double standard.

  5. This is Tina.

    Anonymous or whoever you want to call yourself, you are an idiot. I am quite a bit more computer savvy than Eloise. Keep leaving comments under different names. If worse comes to worse, and with Eloise's consent, I will block you from coming here. This is a community and harassment will not be tolerated.

  6. Interesting that "Eloise" removed our post that was clearly meant to help "her" and her contributors avoid lawsuits.
    Does this portend a clear self destructive goal?
