Thursday, April 1, 2010

One more final thought

I told myself that I wouldn't post anything about the people over at Ditmas Park Blog today but would just reflect on the events of the last 24 hours. I do have one final question: DPG claims that they represent the neighborhood yet the blog is hosted by three white individuals. Would it kill them to have a non-white contributor to bring real diversity to their blog that they claim they have lots of?

I am more than willing to bet that the DPG would be a better place if they did not have whites only posting. Tina who contributes with me is Latina. Is DPG saying they couldn't find one minority contributor to the blog that would bring a fresh voice?


  1. what's magnificent about the DP blog is they have an entire community of diverse people -- black, mixed, white, hispanic, jewish, gay, straight, christian, muslim, teachers, parents, old, young, business owners, consumers, longtime residents & brand new ones -- who ALL contribute.

    we contribute with photos, ideas, comments & suggestions. it's a labor of love.

    we all really love and celebrate the diversity of this neighborhood.

  2. Explain to me then why all of the gatherings are whites-only events?

  3. i'm not sure which events you mean. the gatherings i've seen on the dp - halloween parade with my daughter, vox pop music events, sycamore stuff, mimi's hummus, farmers market, castello plan opening, purple yam opening, PS139 or PS217 events - have all been incredibly mixed: in terms of ethnicity as well as all other kinds of diversity, of which there are many.

    i've never seen anything "whites only" in the DP.

  4. Again, that is simply not true. Have you looked at those pictures? Please. Those events did not feature a diverse group of people. There was some mothers club that was posted a few weeks back that was all white.

  5. Today is April Fool's Day, and apparently Eloise sees it as a day in her honor.

  6. Eloise,
    Instead of taking a negative stand by criticizing a blog you think takes a neglectful position on minorities, why don't you take a pro-active stance and make this blog what you think the DPB should be; one of multicultural acceptance?

    If you don't like something, change it, don't complain about it.

    As an aside, I'm pretty sure I posted this already, so if it reappears magically, sorry for the redundance.

  7. Josh,

    I got your email. I will not be enlightening you on anything. There is nothing that you need to understand as I do not need your help.

    Thank you very much.
