Thursday, April 1, 2010

Update on Brick Throwing

Well my husband spoke with the police and they said that there was really nothing they could do without a description of someone to go after. I personally think it was a hate crime against me because I am African-American and write this blog. The cop told my husband that it could have just been a prank. I highly doubt it given what happened to me yesterday. I haven't been able to sleep and probably won't for fear that someone is out to get us. I write this blog as my own personal thoughts and opinions along with my co-blogger Tina. I am hoping that people will leave me to peace to continue my writings. I do not seek to harm anyone with my blog but to make this neighborhood a better place.


  1. What a surprise. Today is April Fool's Day.

    Seems like Eloise is using the Internet for her prank.

  2. By the way, did the alleged brick fly into the house? Or out of the house?

    Maybe Eloise had an "episode" at home and would rather cover up her own actions with a phony police report.
