Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Kwanzaa!!

Today is Unity. Since DitmasParkBlog won't wish you a happy kwanzaa, we will.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Quote of the day

"I’m wary of white people who talk about diversity as though it’s the “spice of life” when so many of them limit their involvement with diversity to sitting in coffee houses and talking to other white people about how great diversity is."--Jerry

DPB asks if diversity can be preserved

No! Not if they keep on running their hateful blog. They are the reason why this neighborhood is becoming less and less diverse. DPB like many white people like the idea of diversity but do not actually like minorities. They like to see minorities not actually interact with them.

Go away DPB you are why the neighborhood is becoming less and less diverse. Just go away!

Also: Merry Christmas and a Happy Kwanzaa!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Breaking: White People Still live with white people!

The numbers are out from the Census and New York City is still one of the most racially segregated cities in the country. I know that the gentrifiers would like to try to spin the fact that our neighborhood as diverse but if you look closely at the maps, we aren't that diverse. White folks still live together and socialize together. Blacks folks likewise. It is okay! We minorities SHOULD stick together.

Just say no to gentrification!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

On Alert

This has nothing to do with Victorian Flatbush but everyone needs to be on alert.

In the next two years, Ben and his white counterparts are going to be doing everything possible to make sure that our wonderful President and his beautiful black family are kicked out of the White House. We have to be vigilant and not let this happen. Any moment you see Ben disparaging our President (and that is often), he must be called out on it. He and the rest of the white media will be doing everything possible to tear down our first black President.

We black folks have been watching Ben and his cohorts try to damage this president. We may not be as vocal as the teabaggers but we are on alert and will rise to the occasion when necessary.

Some Tidbits

1) Don't forget tomorrow is the pub crawl! Be there but please be respectful!

2) I ran into Leina today and I have to wonder if that heffa has a job or is she just a trust fund stroller pusher. I see her at all hours around the neighborhood and just shake my head as to what she represents.

3) Do NOT vote Ditmas Park blog as best blog. I have emailed the Village Voice about there racism and suggest you do too.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Random Thought: Why is it so controversial to say that those people control everything?

Is it not a fact that the heads of major news organizations are jews?

Is it not a fact that primary owners of buildings in New York are jews?

Is it not a fact that the diamonds are controlled by the jews?

Is it not a fact that the heads of top schools and top departments are jews?

Is it not a fact that the major players in our government are jews?

Why is it anti-semetic to point out the obvious? Why is it anti-semetic to say that those people only look out for each other and no one else?

Our culture accepts a lot of racism against blacks and I don't see anyone saying anything about it. (see: sentencing, exploitation, etc). But when it comes to the jews, a group of white people, everyone goes crazy. What utter nonsense.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Closing Argyle Schoolyard Is All About Race

Sorry guys I have been a bit busy but a tipster sent me an email regarding BSW Neighborhood Association advocating the closure of the playground on Sundays. Why? Because of "older kids who make a lot of noise." Translation: the blacks and browns will hang out if we keep the playground open. My tipster noted that Ben and Liena are part of the association but apparently they do not endorse this. Or so they say publicly.

Please let your voices be heard! This is all about race regarding the closure of the playground. The minority populations in this area do not have the luxury of going to their summer home in Rhode Island or Massachusetts or even the Hamptons for their kids to play like many of the people who are part of the BSW Neighborhood Association.


This is off topic but I would encourage everyone to check out the blogs on the right side of the page. If you have not been reading UStreetblues, you should be. Lots of good stuff on Ben and another politico reporter.

Analysis: Following 657 on twitter, only 5 are black

This took awhile but the numbers are in and they are pathetic. On twitter, in America, Ben could only muster 5 black people to follow. Please recall that this is a "journalist" and that 14% of the population is African-American. It should also be noted that a preliminary analysis found that he follows only 8 latinos.

I have emailed him for comment and have not received a response. If Ben is inclined to respond, I will gladly post his response.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pub Crawl

I will be there on December 10th! We will be joining in a neighborhood walking tour. Remember to bring your tape recorders just in case they don't treat us right so we can have documentation.

Oh and don't forget to come in your Sunday best. It is important that we look good. Remember the civil rights days? Always your Sunday's best so that the other side looks like jerks while you stand in your best outfits seeking justice.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Analysis: Ben only responds to emails from white males

This is rather off topic but I am a quite the news junkie. I love to write letters to editors and journalists because I think it keeps them on their toes. I am rather cordial in my correspondence and 9 times out of 10 I received a friendly response back from journalists even if I disagree with their points. That has not happened with Ben . I asked a few friends(all of whom are non-minorities) to email him as they also like to engage with those that report the news and of the eight of us, only the white men got responses. I do not like to throw the R-word around but it is a bit disturbing that someone in such a high profile position is a sexist and a racist.

Furthermore, if you look at Ben's daytime website, he rarely features photos of women but primarily features photos of white men. There are plenty of women politicians that he could feature and he has chosen not to. I sent Ben an email asking him for comment before I wrote this and he has not gotten back to me.

If he decides that he wants to respond, I will make an update to the post.

I just thought that everyone should know.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One Year Ago: Is Ditmas Park Blog Racist?

A year after our website was founded, the question still remains--is Ditmas Park Blog racist?

Although they have added one new contributor who is black, they still post stories about minorities robbing and raping. No matter how many times they post about a holiday church event or a black nanny rescuing someone's cell phone, the question still remains.

I think we all know the answer.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A question for the crowd

I keep getting emails about how unfair I am and that my complaints about what has happened to the neighborhood are unfair.

Here is my question: why is gentrification good? I want to hear from you. I personally think it is bad because of what it does to minority populations (see: our neighborhood) but I want to hear what others think.

You may leave your views in the comments or email me and I will post with permission.

I'm willing to listen.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A response

Frequent rabbler and neighbor Josh writes the following and my answers in bold:

1) "I moved into this neighborhood almost thirty years ago with my husband. We were just starting our family and I fell in love with the huge houses in Brooklyn." Don't you see the hypocrisy? You moved here because you were just starting a family and loved the huge houses. Now that others are just starting families and moving here because they love the huge houses, you have a problem? I have no problem with people moving in to expand their families. I do have a problem with them doing it at the expense of long-term residents. Wouldn't you?

2) "As they moved out a new crop of folks started to move in--whites. Not just any whites but whites with little kids with plans for more." This is an echo of my previous comments. Do you have less against whites without kids? Is it the procreation that bothers you? I have no problem with whites moving in but I do not like whites who move in to not celebrate and appreciate the history and culture of the neighborhood but seek to turn it into their own little utopia.

3) "There was a time when this neighborhood was predominantly white but middle-class african-americans and afro-latinos had turned the neighborhood to their own. That was no more." So you acknowledge that NY neighborhoods constantly change and indeed changed relatively recently from white to african-american and afro-latino. Yet, now that the neighborhood is changing once more, you have issues with it? How can you possibly justify such stubborness? Of course NY neighborhoods change but that doesn't mean that the new residents shouldn't work closely with the long term residents so that everyone will feel welcomed. The people over at Ditmas Park Blog have not done this.

4) "One half of the married due is not even an American and the other half is from one of the most elitist and posh backgrounds that one can ever imagine." What does their nationalities have to do with anything? You mention previously that the glorified Caribbean restaurant was a place to eat Caribbean food and discuss what was happening 'back on the islands'. If these immigrants posed no problem to you, why does another? If they were here to do good I wouldn't have a problem.

6) "Why is it whenever individuals get the idea to try to improve the community it involves blacks and browns being left out?" No where has there ever been evidence of community activities or imperatives that leave blacks and browns out. You make this up out of your own fears and then blame it on those trying to do good. We saw it when you refused to participate in a women's group, claiming that they were racist, when in reality, you didn't even open the door. We saw it when you boycotted Qathra because there wasn't a minority behind the counter. You're not being forced out. You're choosing not to participate. That is a huge and vastly important difference and one thta suggests you are the racist not they. That is simply not true. Countless studies have shown that gentrification pushes minorities out of neighborhoods. That is what is happening here. As for the groups and restaurants, the women's group only addressed the lack of color once it was brought to their attention. Why did it have to be brought to their attention?

6) "Some of us miss our old diverse neighborhood and want it back." You don't miss diversity. You don't like white people. The 'diversity' you fantasize about doesn't include anyone but your friends .That's not diversity. That's prejudice. Simply not true. I have white friends in the neighborhood.

7) "It's a tough subject but no one wants to seem to address what two wealthy and elitist individuals have done to the history of the neighborhood." This is simply not true. Everyday people post on the DPB what the owners have done to the history of the neighborhood. Everyday people discuss what's happening, what's in development and what's to come. Yet, it seems that I'm the only person who reads this blog. Who comments here. Why would theirs be so much more popular if they were as demonic as you say? And where's the outpour of support for yourself that you claim you receive? There isn't any. I get quite a bit of emails from people who are distressed with how the neighborhood is changing. I'm sure if I had some sort of counter like other websites it would prove that people do read. My inbox is filled with wonderful comments.

Face the facts. The neighborhood has changed. For the better. We'd love to have you as a part of it. See you around town! I'll be the one smiling with friends, sitting outside our new restaurants, enjoying the neighborhood I love and plan to stay in for a long long long time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Purple Yams, Black Yams, White Yams

I moved into this neighborhood almost thirty years ago with my husband. We were just starting our family and I fell in love with the huge houses in Brooklyn. The neighborhood was kind of gritty but not unsafe. Obviously crime was high citywide but everyone in the neighborhood seemed to know and look out for each other. We didn't have fancy restaurants called Purple Yam that catered to the yuppie whites, we had a Caribbean restaurant where you could exchange stories about what was going on back on the islands over jerk chicken, yucca, plantain, and oxtail. It was heavenly to say the least.

During the 1990s when the economy was booming things started to change. The Caribbean restaurant was in decline and our friends and neighbors started to move to the suburbs or down south. As they moved out a new crop of folks started to move in--whites. Not just any whites but whites with little kids with plans for more. There was a time when this neighborhood was predominantly white but middle-class african-americans and afro-latinos had turned the neighborhood to their own. That was no more. With the fresh crop of new whites came new demands and old time store favorites started to close as rents started to go up and the new whites made more demands. In the mid-2000s it came to a breaking point when a husband and wife team decided to start their own website. They had gone around the neighborhood soliciting input from the new local businesses and presenting themselves as the voice of this neighborhood. They weren't and aren't. One half of the married due is not even an American and the other half is from one of the most elitist and posh backgrounds that one can ever imagine. There mission was to "improve" the neighborhood but what has happened is something horrendous.

Instead of retaining the charm of the area they have put their own little twist on "revamping the neighborhood." This revamping has involved the continued displacement of African-Americans and other minorities. They refuse to address this. Why is it whenever individuals get the idea to try to improve the community it involves blacks and browns being left out? Ben and Leina have done nothing to try to bridge the divide between the old and the new of the neighborhood. They shoot down any forms of criticism as petty griping. It's not. Some of us miss our old diverse neighborhood and want it back. Gentrification destroys the fabric of a neighborhood and that is what is happening to Victorian Flatbush.

It's a tough subject but no one wants to seem to address what two wealthy and elitist individuals have done to the history of the neighborhood.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A discussion on race and the neighborhood

I have been working on a piece and tweaking it a few times but I promise tomorrow it will be live!
I think it is time to have a constructive conversation about what is happening to this neighborhood and what we can do so that all races and classes feel comfortable living here.

More to come...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Racist Ben gleefully claims black AG candidate loses. Except she hasn't

In California, the African-American candidate for Attorney General is in a very close race with the Republican. Ben has stated numerous times that she has gone down in defeat with glee. The only problem--she is ahead by .7%.

No one should be surprised by this.

Racist Ben asks why Blacks voted Jerry Brown for governor

A racist.!/benpolitico/status/29540104189

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ben spends evening analyzing "the successful defeat of Barack Obama" with all white panel

But he isn't a gentrification troll or racist as I have been told.

Ben's favorite CANTOR is set to become House Whip

Well it looks like racist Ben has gotten his way by reporting for the last six months that Republicans would take over the house. I told my husband that this country would NOT let a black man succeed as President and here we are. Thanks Ben for all of your "objective" reporting over the last year.

I will have more on our anniversary tomorrow m0rning.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

One Year Ago...

I started this website after being appalled by what was happening to my neighborhood. Lots of young white people with their snot nosed brats moving in and not content with the long time residents they decided to "change things." They started their own website called Ditmas Park Blog where they made a point to portray African-Americans and Latinos as thugs and criminals. They advocated for overpriced restaurants and baby cloth stores. They held "networkkking" events. None of this stuff was to improve the lives of the long-term residents but to force us out. Although some residents have left, many of the long-time residents refused to be pushed out and have taken a firm stand against the gentrifiers known as Ben and Leina.

Over the last year this website that I started has grown by leaps and bounds. My email box is constantly filled with well-wishes and tips. We can and will make a difference and stop those nasty gentrifiers from whitening the neighborhood.

Over the next month we will do updates on some of our most important posts and tell you the readers what you can do to SAVE DITMAS PARK.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"This is just a blog about Ditmas Park"

Remember when Ben made that statement in response to why he refused to cover certain things going on in the neighborhood? It seems that only applies to things involving minorities as he has posted info about jew stuff that is " a little south."


Monday, October 25, 2010

Default Judgment Entered Against Ben

If you recall this website spoke of Ben and that woman of his being sued out in California in a small claims action. Well they were both no shows and an automatic judgment was entered against them!

Hopefully the plaintiff will be able to collect!

Ben spotting in D.C.

A tipster sends over a spotting of a "very short, terribly dressed Ben . I wonder if he is trying to spread his gentrification here too."

It wouldn't be a surprise.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ben hires a minority!

I got a couple of emails from people who said that Ben decided to hire a minority but he is from an elite school so Ben still spits on those that are not on "his level."

Baby steps...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Proof that Rick Sanchez was right

...they fire him. Another latino fired for speaking the truth while bigots and racists like Ben keep their jobs.

I wish my fellow latino well.

Update: Remember Octavia Nasr? She was sympathetic to muslims and got fired. So just a recap: say anything about those that run the media and get fired but write racist articles about African-Americans on your blog hosted by a mainstream website and keep your job?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A bit unrelated but it is application season for those looking to go to graduate and professional school. Several friends have children who are applying and all I can do is advise that everyone apply early. I strongly recommend this for minority students as 33% of those seats go to people like Ben and his fellow gentrifiers at DitmasParkBlog who are related to some wealthy white person and who do not deserve their seat. They didn't work for their seats at these elite schools. They were born with silver spoons in their mouths and did not earn their successes in life. They didn't deserve to be there(elite schools) in the first place.

Do not let this happen to a loved one.

More racism from Ditmas Park Blog

The Real Flatbush has all the details.

Racist, Pathetic, Elitist Ben Blames First Black President For Smears Against Him

Over at Ben's day job, the one that he was given because of who his father is, Ben decides to write up a lengthy piece that it is Obama's fault for why people think he is a muslim and a dirty black guy. He calls Obama's problem his "own devising."

Absolutely despicable. This "Ben Smith" is an awful "reporter" and an awful person for Victorian Flatbush.

May god hath no fury.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ben's hiring!

Ben is looking for an assistant at his day job. I suggest that EVERY SINGLE MINORITY THAT CAN READ AND WRITE APPLY.

Let's see who he picks. I'm more than willing to bet it won't be one of us. This is your chance Ben to prove to everyone that you are not a racist.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This will only lead to racial profiling

The Times has an article today about how Brooklyn malls are restricting teens from hanging out at the malls. Isn't that what kids do? This will obviously lead to serious racial profiling as the mall in question--Atlantic Terminal--is primarily servicing those in the neighborhood who go to Brooklyn Tech. What are the kids from Tech going to do? Hit you with their graphing calculators?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Boycott Qathra!

This new cafe in the neighborhood does not have a single person of color working there. Are they trying to tell us that there wasn't a single minority in the neighborhood qualified that they could hire.

This is gentrification in full effect and it is destroying our neighborhood.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Worst neighborhood ever?

A reader writes:

I lived in Ditmas Park for 3 years. Worst neighborhood ever. EVER. Left in a hurry, will never come back, though real estate is dirt cheap and there were good deals. Why will I never come back, you ask? Because I have never, in my 40 years of life spanning several different Countries, experienced so much racial discrimination and pure hatred as I experienced from the Ditmas Park residents that preceded gentrification from people like me. It was simply a matter of walking down the sidewalk, on my way to the co-op or to work, and it would be a chorus of 'yo yo white bitch' from the huddles of men hanging around in front of their buildings under clouds of marijuana. On the street. Where children also live. Yeah. Awesome way to set an example. I also heard 'go back home, you f*#&$ing whitey', and several other equally idiotic comments. And these are the most benign ones. This is from complete strangers on the street. Granted, they were spoken by losers, but still racially based and oh so wrong. In addition, I found this to be the dirtiest, most unkempt, most crime-ridden neighborhood I have lived in. We could hear gunshots from our LR, coming from Ocean Av. And yet, we had moved in actually lured by the great prices and by the idea of diversity. It was important to us. Little did we know we would experience so much ignorant, primitive discrimination. Such ridiculous hatred. So to you dear blogger and to all those residents who are so terrified of improving your quality of life through gentrification: don't worry! Those people you love to hate and blame for bringing clean new Q trains are moving back out of your dirty, smelly, noisy, crime-ridden neighborhood faster than they could move in! Good Riddance Ditmas Park!

What a treat! I love how she tries to claim that all of us black folks are just a group of unemployed druggies. Good riddance to you Marina and why couldn't you have taken Ben with you!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog "hires" minority blogger, sends them to back of the bus

Ha! Well DPB finally has included a minority blogger I am told but they are only allowed to post at the Kensington Prospect. How nice of the white folks!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

He thinks we are stupid...

"He would be a familiar name, have more money than anyone else and, with a little love from Obama, might not get killed among African-Americans who might divide their vote between several candidates anyway."

Because apparently all of us black folks only vote based on skin color. Anyone else sick and tired of the gentrifying racist over at Ditmas Park Blog?

UPDATE: It isn't obvious who I am talking about?

Monday, September 6, 2010

You know your neighborhood is being gentrified...

When the MTA replaces the Q with one of the newer trains. I rode the subway this weekend for the first time in quite awhile and was so disturbed that we had a new train. Everyone knows that the MTA could easily replace ALL subway lines with the new trains but the won't. Why? Because the MTA refuses to give tax paying citizens in the more "diverse" areas quality trains. Notice which lines have new trains? It is only the lines for the white folks like Ditmas Park Blog's own writers.

Call the MTA and tell them that ALL lines should have new trains. Not just the lines traveled by gentrifiers.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's a Community Center NOT a Mosque

Whenever I see the teatards chanting "not in our city" against the proposed community center I want to scream at my tv. Why won't the media (and that includes DPB's Ben) correct the fact that the proposed development is a community center? Why won't the media(including Ben) point out that Muslims died on 9/11 too? Why hasn't anyone asked where these protesters were when the strip club was being opened a block away? I find a strip club far more offensive than a community center that will honor the fallen muslims.

Finally, it is shameful that the Friedmans, Cohens, and Shermans would participate in such disgusting protests.

All I have to say is thank god it is not us blacks as god knows what would happen to us.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What it means to be American?

Before I depart once again, that is the headline from Ditmas Park Blog's very own Ben. Does anyone recall this gentrification lover writing a headline like that when George W. Bush was president? This is not a coincidence that this question is being asked when we have a wonderful black president.

On Vacation

Hi all,

We are on vacation until after labor day with a few updates in between. Go out and enjoy the last few weeks of summer. Of course, if anything breaking happens we will try to get to it. If you see those gentrifiers from Ditmas Park Blog, throw a tomato at them. I joke!

God bless.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Question of the night

Did the founder of Ditmas Park blog and his colleague pay a young woman to keep quiet about a scandalous affair that the founder's colleague had been having with a reader?

Tips have been flooding into Ditmas Park Blog email saying yes. I know this isn't really related to Ditmas Park but it is interesting.

In other news...

NYPD settled with Sean Bell's family. It was the least they could do. I hate the cops.

Friday, July 23, 2010

DPB writer's boss blames NAACP

This is indefensible:

VandeHei: Let's not forget where this thing started. The NAACP came out and makes this charge against the Tea Party Movement. And we've probably done more stories about the Tea party movement than any other news organization. We've really tried to study this group and they are a very diffuse group. You cannot say that they are racist any more than you can say the Democratic party is racist or the Republican party is racist. So it creates this culture and it's a dangerous topic and it's a dangerous fire to light and so this is the outcome.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On Mrs. Sherrod

When Eric Holder called us a "nation of cowards" when it comes to race, DPB's very own Ben was upset. He linked to the racist National Review. He did not believe that we are a nation of cowards when it came to race.

Would you like to retract Mr. Smith?

Racist Coward

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Racist Ben asks "Has conversation on race actually gotten dumber in Obama era?"

Yes Ben and you are partially to blame.

I will have more on the Shirley Sherrod firing a little bit later this evening.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friend of DPB calls me a homophobe

What's really depressing is that I do think that things like using racism accusations to further some sort of weird personal vendetta is a horrible, horrible trivialazation of something that's still an incredibly serious issue.

What nonsense. Why would I have a vendetta against a gay and lesbian couple? Everyone is god's children. There is nothing trivial about my posts regarding the ongoing racism that occurs over at Ditmas Park Blog. Again, Bonnie, stop discussing racism as you end up sounding ignorant.

Monday, June 28, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: White Ditmas Park residents chase, beat and harass latino resident UPDATED

More tomorrow and what you can do to help. I have to get a few more details before I am ready to publish the full story.

UPDATE: The victim did not want to go public yet. His family reported the incident (no, not to the 70th precinct where latinos are treated like savages) and is recovering at home.

God speed.

Friend of Ditmas Park Blog, Brenda from Flatbush has no minority blogs on her blog roll

Just more evidence of her racism. Apparently we do not exist in Brenda's "Victorian Flatbush."

Save the date!!

If you would like to watch the court proceedings in California, the lawsuit against the Ditmas Park Blog owners is scheduled for 10/12/2010 at 6:30pm pacific. They apparently have night court.

The plaintiff is seeking $7500.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friedman, Hohman, Sherman

Those are the names that have been gracing the front page of DitmasParkBlog for the last week. Anyone notice what all three have in common?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brenda from Flatbush--racist

  1. Brenda from Flatbush says:

    June 19th, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    We had an “uncooperative victim” right on Buckingham Road between Church Ave. and Parade Grounds. Don’t know what can be done to crack a culture so steeped in antisocial behavior and upside-down values that you would prefer to risk your own life and that of your neighbors than “snitch.”

No comment.

Oh and she had a hit piece on Denzel on her own website.

Nelson posts black man jiggin' for white folks on bar

Was it necessary for Nelson to post a picture of a black man dancing on top of a bar in front of a bunch of white people? He did it to embarrass him and it is highly inappropriate in 2010 to be posting such pictures.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ditmas Park in 5 minutes

Yes, it is their most offensive piece to date and I will be addressing the horrendous, gentrification video that they posted.

If this isn't an "I told ya so," about Ben and Liena, I don't know what is.

I will have a piece up tomorrow on this.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Breaking: Ben and Liena are being sued in California

"Slander and defamation of character which resulted in a loss of a law school scholarship."

This is in Oakland, California. For those that don't have access to Wikipedia, Oakland is a majority black city. What are the chances that they are being sued by an African-American? I would say very high.

More to come!!!!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Poor Helen!

Helen T. was canned after her so-called "friends" in the press turned against her with her comments about Israel. What was the big deal?

As someone who emailed me today said:

If I were Ben and J-Mart, I would watch out for which one of my true friends in the press turn on me. Especially JMart."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ben thought that us blacks were robots. WRONG

At his day job when he isn't gentrifying Victorian Flatbush but only recruiting whites, Ben professed that African-Americans voted for black candidates no matter what. Take Artur Davis in which Ben claimed that he would be the "second black President." Artur Davis lost in a landslide. No, blacks do not just vote for blacks as if that were the case, Harold Ford Jr would be a Senator and JC Watts with his six kids by six different women would be President.

Ben, when it comes to race, just shut up. You don't know us.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Small claims case against Liena and Ben

In an odd turn of events, a source for a couple of blog posts is being sued along with Liena and Ben for "defamation" and "loss of scholarship" in small claims court. I have not seen the details of the case but I am interested in why my source would be sued by an ex-roommate and also named in a suit with the Smiths. In fact, my source received a letter from Judge Judy, informing her that she was being sued. Kind of funny. I will be following this one closely as maybe I can use some of the information for my own case.

Yes, Liena Smith is a racist

Does anyone ever recall the Victorian Flatbush gentrifiers, Liena and Ben publishing mugshots of any of the many white thugs from the neighborhood? A simple search would say no. However, with the help of the odious 70th precinct, they splash across for everyone to see a mugshot of an "alleged" murderer.

Liena is a racist pure and simple. What on earth is publishing this man's mugshot going to do for the neighborhood but increase tensions? Instead of trying to create black boogeyman every chance she gets, Liena needs to worry about making sure her immigration papers are in order as from what I hear they may not be.

Monday, May 31, 2010

"The War on Moms"

I cannot believe that I am actually recommending people go out and buy a friend of DitmasParkBlog's book but here I am. Several friends have read her book and thought very highly of the author for focusing on the plight of working class women and not those who are like elitist rich "urban planner" Liena. Speaking of, when will you paint your house? The old chipping blue is hideous. It is an eyesore.

I just started the book and have found myself nodding in agreement with the author's viewpoints. This white woman actually gets it. She apparently also lives in the neighborhood.

Go support her.

Racist Ben Smith calls NOI leader a liar

Ben Smith over at his white man's only job mocks prominent African-American Rev. Hunter of Detroit,Michigan. Rev. Hunter was called to help quell a brewing situation outside of Minister Farrakhan's home in Chicago. In writing up his hate-filled tirade, Ben claims that because he couldn't find any evidence of the Detroit Times existing it must not exist. He calls a prominent African-American man a liar. Maybe if Ben knew a few black people he would have gotten his facts right. The Metro Times of Detroit was formerly known as the Detroit Times in which Rev. Hunter wrote numerous articles. The Detroit Times was known among NOI members at one time as being sympathetic to black nationalist views.

Get your Detroit Times with your bean pie!

He is a racist.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Marta Z

I am in Puerto Rico until next week and I know Bev is out of town until the 10th but when I get back I will be posting about Marta Z. My sister has dealt with Marta Z at her son's school and like who I am assuming is her relative, Liena, has nothing but awful words to say. Marta also believes that children should be arrested apparently for nothing but being hispanic.

More when I return.

Have a safe holiday weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ben appears on racist show

He actually appeared in flesh on the Good Wife this evening. I gasped and yes, I saw the emails. If my husband didn't love the flat screen so much I would have probably have thrown a shoe at it.

Dear Lord, it is not enough that he spreads his hate in the neighborhood he now gets the chance to do it on television. Dangerous.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vindication for Ben and Lena?

A commenter over at Ditmas Park Blog claims that everyone's favorite duo are the reason that crime has evidently dropped in the neighborhood. I haven't been around as I have been dealing with my daughter out in California but I really find it hard to believe that these two pasty white people are the reason why crime has stopped. Did they use their powers to round up all the black and hispanics in the neighborhood and then said, "crime has stopped!" I am so sick and tired of white people thinking that they can save everyone. You can't. In many ways you are the problem.

As The Real Flatbush points out, they supposedly "moderate" their comments. The only moderation they do is purging blacks from the comment section.

Monday, May 10, 2010

"The latent racism of the Ditmaspark blog can be very dangerous to this community."

Just go read the rest. It is too good to just post quotes.

One of Ben Smith's people gets SC court nod

What a waste. Don't we already have enough Ginsburgs, Steins, Cohens, in positions of power? It's not as if they use their power to help us minority folks out. As Ben has stated in emails to me, "I'm one of the chosen people." Ms. Kagan couldn't even find not one black or latino to hire at Harvard but I guess she supports diversity by hiring conservative white men.

Obama is becoming more and more of a disappointment every day.

I'll be back to my normal writing by the end of the week when I return to Brooklyn.

Noted without comment continued

Actually I will comment.

Save Ditmas Park Blog's email box had several request asking to unblock the names in the emails that I am publishing. The blog from which these emails are originating from is run by three women who were apparently wronged( I say apparently because I cannot completely confirm whether or not they were wronged) but the emails do seem to suggest so by a couple of journalists at Politico. One of the women on the website posted her own emails and made it clear that she did not mind the author's name appearing. I am not going to post his full name as it is up to the readers to do their on research.

Also, someone asked if these were "hookers who didn't get paid well." What a sexist question. Does anyone really think that(according to their bios), an epidemiologist, a chemical engineer, and a lawyer are all "hookers who didn't get paid well?"

UPDATE: I removed one email after getting a harsh email from "Lisa" about claims that her man was cheating on her. I will repost it if others become available that seem to back up claims. I think that is a fair request.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Noted without comment

Not racists, just gentrification boosters.

via UStreetBlues

A little late

I had a blog post ready but it disappeared. You may have heard about the case where a jerk of a cop, which should surpise no one, got into an altercation with a bicyclist who was using his right to free speech and then lied about it claiming that the guy was resisting arrest among other things. Lucky for him, the incident was caught on tape and the cop was found guilty. This should be a reminder to all minorities and the public in general that you should always be armed with a still or video camera as you never know when the cops will decide that it is your day to get a beat down and then lie about it.

via the NY Times

Monday, May 3, 2010

Not your grandmother's "letter to the editor"

This is a bit off topic here at Save Ditmas Park but I was just over at another blog and they have posted email exchanges from the alleged journalists(including Ditmas Park Blog's own co-founder) and I just have to ask why would a journalist be emailing a "reader" at 12:30am on a Sunday, "where are you?" and "you looking mighty cute in that picture" from their work address? For whatever reason I am unable to copy and paste the email as it was posted on the site but to say the least, those were a couple of the mild quotes from an email. I think it is safe to say that many of the emails would definitely fall out of the realm of your average banter between journalists and readers. Talk about scandalous.

via UStreetBlues

ETA: Eloise may disagree with me, but after reading through some emails, I am not quite sure that one of the co-founders of Ditmas Park Blog doesn't like black people. Sure he is into harmful gentrification practices but from the emails that I read, I don't think he or his colleague minds if African-American women were around.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sen. Parker is an embarassment

I am an identity politics voter in most instances but I will not be supporting Kevin Parker ever again. He has been a complete embarrassment and really should resign even if it means a Republican majority temporarily. His latest is going on a tirade about "white supremacy."

Just go away Senator. Please just go away.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Ditmas Park Restaurant?

I ran into an old friend today from the area and she told me that an mid-upscale soul food restaurant that has other Brooklyn locations is looking to open up here. They are owned by two African-Americans which would mean a minority owned business is taking advantage of the buzz in the area. This would be great news and we hope to be able to break it here first--and with the name of the establishment--before anyone else.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More proof of Ditmas Park Blog's racism continued...

Ben Smith has recruited another non-latino reporter to his day job, Maggie Haberman.

The godfather of his day job is a bircher and his father worked for George Wallace. I am Puerto Rican and Chilean but I do follow politics. If it weren't for the civil rights movement, many positive changes that affected Latinos would not have happened. I take great offense in the fact that the founder of Ditmas Park Blog is associated with someone whose father worked for George Wallace. If you weren't aware, George Wallace fought for segregation. I know my focus is primarily on issues of police misconduct but I believe that the way police treat minorities is directly related to who covers them. If the press is so welcoming to birchers, George Wallace sympathizers, and people like Ben Smith who doesn't like latinos and other persons of color, how can we expect them to expose police brutality and the continued state-sponsored harassment of ethnic minorities?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Whomever posted, I am unable to access the website. You can send an email to as I can check that email so that I can access the website.

Update: U Street Blues is everything you ever wanted to know about Ditmas Park Blog's Ben Smith established by a group of women who they have harmed. From my reading, and I have requested if I can post some of the info here, one is sleazy and the other is a nerdy snob who comes from a well heeled family and who is downright mean and vindictive. He apparently has burned his bridges that it looks like even his fellow college classmates have taken to the internet to discuss how awful he really is. I sent Bev an email with some highlights and we will be discussing this in the future and what it means for this blog and Victorian Flatbush as a community.

Short take away: Ben Smith is a fraud with an agenda.

Thank you,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

An update on ladies networking event

I got an email from an attendee from Kris W's networking event a few weeks ago who said it was lovely and she felt comfortable. The crowd was apparently more diverse from what I had heard of previous events.

Good for Kris. The neighborhood needs more inclusive events.

More proof of Ditmas Park Blog's racism

Via an emailer, Ben from DitmasParkBlog doesn't think that American hero and civil rights icon John Lewis was called a nigger. This should surprise no one. An emailer sends on a posting from an Andrew Breibert who says that Ben said to him that, "Ben Smith of Politico on Congressional Black Caucus N-Word Scandal: 'i think you've pretty much won this one, no?' "

Who has won what? I believe that John Lewis was called a nigger by the white people at those vile protests. They weren't protesting taxes they are protesting a black man in power. Someone who doesn't look like Ben and his gentrifying harpies. They fear him. A black man is the most powerful person on earth and they can't deal with it. This apparently includes Ben. I haven't had time to search on this Andrew guy but when I do, I am sure to find that he most likely shares the racist views of Ben and the people at DitmasParkBlog.

A sidenote: Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers. My family can definitely use it at this time. We have faith in the lord that he will get us through all of this. As for my lawsuit, my son is going to show me how to post the court documents in a readable version on the website for all to see. I hope to be back full-time in the near future. Thanks again for the wonderful emails.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Prayers for Beverly

Bev's daughter Cynthia was in a horrific car accident last week in Los Angeles. Someone ran a red light, hit her car and then Cynthia's car was hit again. She is currently in ICU. Please keep Beverly, Barry, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

So much sadness in the world these days.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Liena Smith is either a racist, a fool, or both

I was one of several quoted(off the record) in the NY Times article about notorious Victorian Flatbush mega-agent Mary Kay Gallagher. A friend and fellow neighbor asked if I was interested in giving comment on a story that they were working on about Mrs. Gallagher. I was hesitant at first but when I was told that it would be mostly "background" info and I could be quoted in general I agreed.

I thought that the article was in general rather positive and quite fair to Mrs. Gallagher given her known history of her own form of redlining the neighborhood. I am not going to go into too much detail about our dealings with her but to be blunt: the old hag is a racist. Those are probably strong words but they are true. Mrs. Gallagher's "civic duty" are discriminatory and have been for decades. She's lucky she has avoided legal action but those that have the money and are minorities over the years have decided to go elsewhere and ultimately give her the middle finger. Kestyn is barely a step above Gallagher.

Noted "I'm not a racist" Liena Smith is disturbed that the Times would go on record for the world to see what Mrs. Gallagher is really all about. She acts as if the Times should not have printed the comments that Mrs. Gallagher is a racist. She is. Liena writes, ''that this sounds like quite the charge from the Times." If Liena Smith can prove otherwise that Mary Kay Gallagher is not a racist then she needs to do so.

Here is a suggestion Liena since you seem to know everything about the neighborhood and are popular--go door to door, census-style and ask who sold them their house. Document their race/ethnicity and get back to us. If you find a minority in which Gallagher was involved in the transaction, ask them if they paid all cash/more than 20% down payment(like yourself) or if they got conventional financing and how long did it take to closing and if there were any hiccups. This does not include the co-ops or condos I am only talking about the houses because Mrs. Gallagher's attitude depends on whom she is selling to and exactly what they are buying. Sure it may not be scientific but I think it will be very telling as to who sold whom their house. The minorities in this neighborhood who have dealt with Gallagher and those that wanted to buy in the neighborhood know the truth.

ETA: Pardon my language but it is this type of shit that gets me worked up. Liena Smith is not only acting as if Mary Kay Gallagher couldn't be a racist but completely acts as if redlining and other forms of racial discrimination did not occur when Mrs. Gallagher got her start or were practiced by Mrs. Gallagher herself. She acts as if racial discrimination in lending, buying, and selling of real estate never occurred. I know that she is a foreigner as she has said so herself, but her husband isn't. He couldn't have clued her in on the history of real estate racism that minorities faced in purchasing property. A brooklyn office of Corcoran was accused of doing this thing just a couple of YEARS AGO.

Friday, April 9, 2010

There are no African-Americans or Latino Reporters at Ditmas Park Blog's Day Job

Their sole black reporter has left. Ditmas Park Blog is fully employed at a colorless job. I would like to remind everyone that this is 2010. How is anyone expecting them to promote diversity over there when he can't even promote or encourage diversity at his own workplace and he is their shining star.

ETA: In the saveditmaspark inbox there was a response about this from a former employee of Ditmas Park blogs day job who agreed with my point and explained how two Caucasian reporters were brought in by Ditmas Park Blog. This reporter said that she felt unwelcomed at this place of employment.


Please keep in your thoughts and prayers

Neighbor Merilee M. Her family could use everyone's prayers and good thoughts right now.

Thank you,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Minority Friendly Business of the Day: Castello Plan

They got a shout out a couple of days ago.

Go support them!

Is someone having an affair?

I got an email the other day from someone who says the answer is yes. Will have to investigate for myself.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Known facts of my case against Smith et al.

  1. Mr. Smith has said that "based on her IP address this is the same young disturbed woman in Manhattan." This is 100% false. There are only two IP addresses. One is at my husband's office in Manhattan and Mr. Smith will have to show which IP address he has. The second one is my home one in Brooklyn. If this wasn't so shameful I would be flattered that Mr. Smith considers a woman over 55 "young."
  2. Slandering me as "disturbed and using a dozen alias' to harass other bloggers." Mr. Smith has never provided proof of this. It is again 100% false.
  3. Mrs. Z-Smith sends an email disparaging African-Americans. This will be presented in court.
Again, I want to thank all of those that have supported me and have agreed to testify in my case.

My lawsuit against the racist crew at Ditmas Park Blog (UPDATED)

Will be filed in Civil Court tomorrow. I am suing Mr. Smith for $100,000 for defamation of character and harassment. I have been an upstanding member of my Brooklyn Community for over 25 years and in one day Mr. Smith ruins that all. I cannot go into too many details as to what my attorney found out but Mr. Smith is part of a prominent and powerful Republican Jewish-American family in Manhattan. (Update: One of his relatives is on the NY Court of Appeals-where minority cases go to die) I am fortunate that my own family has enough means to fight him and his family. African-Americans often do not have the resources to fight for their rights but I again extremely fortunate for my circumstances. My attorney warned me that given that Mr. Smith works for a prominent publication he will do everything possible to continue to smear and slander me and that this will get ugly.

I am prepared and I want to thank everyone who wrote in to support me. I also want to thank my family and friends who although sometimes do not agree with everything I do or say have remained supportive nonetheless. Dealing with cancer is going to seem like a walk in the park after this incident.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Email of the Day

I spoke with Ben who said that you are some crazy chick living in Manhatttan who for whatever reason has a grudge against him and the blog. Is this true? Did he do something to you?

That is absurd and downright slanderous. I first of all live in Brooklyn and would be more than happy to provide in private my phone number and street address to a legit person. Second, god doesn't hold grudges and nor do I. I am simply looking out for the best interest of my neighborhood. I really do not understand what his problem is. No one is forcing him to read my blog. If he is so bothered by me don't click. It is not as if I am the only person with a blog who doesn't like his. Notice that he isn't picking on The Real Flatbush which is hosted by a male. I've never made any threats to harm him or his wife so I do not understand what his problem is. For some reason he has chosen to pick on an African-American lady. In a very creepy way he reminds me of this white guy that my daughter dated. I blame myself everyday for what happened to her for if I was a bit tougher she probably would have never dated him and would probably be alive today. He was never happy with her. He was always spying on her and controlling her. He always had to know what she was doing and when at all times. She became anorexic because of his constant demands that she lose weight. Constant nagging and bothering. He didn't even bother to show up to her funeral. Just an awful person. I blame myself everyday for what happened as a mother is supposed to protect their child.

To answer the questions: yes, I live in Brooklyn, no I do not have a grudge against the Ditmas Park blog and it's owners, and yes I will continue to write about their racism as I see it. It is a free country and I am well within my legal rights to write this blog so long as I have not made any threats against anyone which I have never done.

One more final thought

I told myself that I wouldn't post anything about the people over at Ditmas Park Blog today but would just reflect on the events of the last 24 hours. I do have one final question: DPG claims that they represent the neighborhood yet the blog is hosted by three white individuals. Would it kill them to have a non-white contributor to bring real diversity to their blog that they claim they have lots of?

I am more than willing to bet that the DPG would be a better place if they did not have whites only posting. Tina who contributes with me is Latina. Is DPG saying they couldn't find one minority contributor to the blog that would bring a fresh voice?

Update on Brick Throwing

Well my husband spoke with the police and they said that there was really nothing they could do without a description of someone to go after. I personally think it was a hate crime against me because I am African-American and write this blog. The cop told my husband that it could have just been a prank. I highly doubt it given what happened to me yesterday. I haven't been able to sleep and probably won't for fear that someone is out to get us. I write this blog as my own personal thoughts and opinions along with my co-blogger Tina. I am hoping that people will leave me to peace to continue my writings. I do not seek to harm anyone with my blog but to make this neighborhood a better place.

DP Sighting: Curt T-T

On Cortelyou Avenue on Monday.

As a member of the Caribbean community and well known for being part of Full Force it would be interesting if he still has ties to the neighborhood. A neighbor points out that he is Jamaican which would make sense with him being around. He was seen leaving African Braids on Cortelyou.

For those of you who may not remember full force think Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam.

All hell breaks loose on my Easter Vacation!

Oh my goodness. I am in Seattle for Easter with the family and just checked my email to see that lots of stuff has been going on. I haven't really gone through the news on police brutality but I have heard that there are some good and needed changes for NYPD to become a department that actually serves all individuals regardless of skin color.

I am saddened by what I have read go on here and on the pages of Ditmas Park Blog. Now that she is going by her real name I would just like to vouch for Beverly. She is a very kind and loving person and wouldn't hurt a fly. Her husband is a fairly well-known doctor in New York and I seriously doubt he would be married to someone who is "disturbed." I haven't spoken to her tonight but I did respond to her emails and wanted to respond to what Ditmas Park Blog is saying about her. Calling someone you don't even know "disturbed" is quite painful. That implies that she must be crazy or something which is the furthest thing from the truth regarding Beverly. Some of the comments on that blog are really filled with vitriol and hate. Someone wants to call the police on a woman in her late 50s with a computer! That's insane! Are we in America or Cuba? My family fled from Cuba and I would like to hope that we are not. This is not a disturbed woman but one who cares deeply about her community. In my interactions with her, she is constantly wondering how to improve the neighborhood and believes that voices such as her own are not being heard in the new wave of residents that move in. I can totally relate as a long time resident but what I have always emphasized is if you don't like something and you think you can make it better then get to it! I am a strong and vocal advocate for diversity and the reduction of police misconduct across the country but primarily in New York City. Activism is hard sometimes and often filled with lots of emotions that run fairly high. I always tell myself that it is a long process to achieve just minimal change and not to get frustrated. I have emphasized that to Beverly as well.

I won't be back around for the weekend for the most part but I will pop in here and there and hopefully the emotions will have settled down.

BTW, Beverly knows this as I have said it to her many times about promoting more minority businesses. Sure Ditmas Park Blog should be called out when they act unjust but we should also be promoting businesses that they don't cover. In addition to reporting on police brutality and bringing awareness we can fill a void left by Ditmas Park Blog. I'm all for bashing Ditmas Park Blog when need be be but I am hopeful that we can promote businesses that could really use our support in these tough economic times. Often these businesses are minority owned as minority owned businesses are the least likely to receive grants and loans because they are considered high risk just by being owned by a person of color.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

ETA: I just went and re-read the post over at Ditmas Park Blog. Ha! Threatening violence?!?! Get out of here! What kind of nonsense is that? Who threatens violence over blog postings? This isn't stormfront. I am not going to reveal my last name but I would never be associated with someone who is actively threatening violence against other individuals. That's just insane. They should know better than to spread those kind of lies about someone. It really isn't that serious.

Someone just threw a brick through our window

This is absurd. My husband has called the police. Thanks a lot Ditmas Park Blog. Now I have people terrorizing me. You are lucky that no one got hurt.

I am officially afraid for my life. Why? Because I expressed my views on my own blog which is what I am entitled to do under the first amendment.

UPDATE: And yes we are wide awake.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have been getting quite a few emails from people since my last posting a few hours ago. Instead of responding to each email with the same responses I am posting some answers that I think will be helpful:

  1. I have no problem making this a place where minority businesses are promoted. In fact since I frequent them I will do that in the near future. Contrary to popular opinion I have in fact discussed minority businesses in the past. Before I was banned from Ditmas Park Blog I sent the co-owners several emails about minority businesses for them to list who could use all the exposure they can get. I got not a single response and there were no postings on their blog. That is one of the main reasons why I decided to start my blog because of their blatant bias.
  2. I would be more than willing to go to the next gallery opening Kris and will introduce myself. I apologize if you were offended.
  3. As for Jamilah's email. What can I say. That was only one of a few that she has sent me and no, I will not disclose who she mentioned as working with the co-owner of Ditmas Park Blog that she is referring to. I have seen one email and that is all that I will say. I seem to be getting several emails about that one. Kind of nosy aren't we folks? From my speaking with her those emails caused her to at one point want to take her own life. She speaks about how if it weren't for the kindness of myself and others she probably wouldn't be here today. Shame on Ditmas Park Blog and their day employers. We can always find someone to talk to may it be strangers or god for guidance. I am glad that I was able to help and she seems like she is doing well down south.

Revealing my "source."

Below is a reprint of the email that I received from my source, her real name is Jamilah which I confirmed long ago. I have redacted her roommates name.

Hi Beverly,

Funny, I got an email from my ex-roommate XXXXX today yelling at me about how she is getting threats on her life. Whatever. I look at it as Karma for what she did to me. Anyway, I am so sorry to hear about what is happening to you and that you had to reveal yourself on your blog. Doesn't it feel a bit refreshing? lol. This is no surprise to me as this is what Liena and Ben do. As I stated to you in my very first email to you way back when, I along with my roommate were avid readers of political blogs during the campaigns. My roommate did some work for the Obama campaign back in 2008 and has since enrolled in law school. Her boyfriend and my now ex-boyfriend were very good friends until they had a falling out. My ex was abusive and XXXXX who needed help covering her rent offered me to room with her as I was attending John Jay College which was right around the corner from her place at the time. I didn't finish at John Jay because of personal issues and have been moving around until I find the right place. I think Atlanta might be it.

Back to Ben and Liena. Firstly, I and XXXXX used to write letters to the editor of various news organizations. XXXXX often got published because she is quite eloquent and argues her points well with always a bit of clever wit. Although we are not friends any more she is a very smart person. Google XXXXX and you will see that she was involved in a landmark lawsuit out in XXXXX for those with learning disabilities. She did all of that on her own with very little money and I admired that in a friend as she was a go-getter. It is unfortunate that we are no longer friends and she blames me for all of her woes.

Anyway, in regards to the letter writing I was nasty in my letters and often emotional which is probably why I never got published. lol. but as I showed you from my emails I NEVER threatened either of them. XXXXX stopped writing emails to everyone after the campaign ended but I didn't. I think it was because of her new man(friend of my ex) who occupied most of her time and school. Sometime last year over the summer two detectives came to XXXXX door. She apparently panicked because she called me immediately screaming about how she is going to law school and how I was trying to ruin her life before it ever began. She went on and on about how the cops told her that they were going to arrest her and she was in tears. She blamed me for everything. I mean everything. She was even willing to give them her computer to prove that she had done nothing wrong. She should know better as a law student not to hand over everything. How naive. I told her to relax and that they were just trying to scare her. She obviously didn't believe me as a few days later I get a visit from the police at my Aunt XXXXX's house. In addition, she asked me, no she demanded that I leave her place. I could have been evil and told her landlords that she was illegally subletting her place in a co-op but I didn't. I was a good friend. Wish I could say the same about her.

So back to Ben and Liena. Ben is a troll. A serious troll at that. Also, another writer at his day job sent me salacious emails for over a year. I'll admit that I started to develop a thing for him even though he was white and we were supposed to hookup but shit when you send someone emails at 11pm at night unitiated what does one expect? Yeah, I kept them all and plan to keep them to myself because again I don't kiss and tell. It is a shame that because he didn't like a few negative emails to him that he went all crazy and caused XXXXXX and me agony. Be careful of them. Take a screenshot of everything that they post about you and save all of your emails. The ranting about you today was to most likely get at me. They know damn well that you never threatened them and that you live in the area. And I should add an amazing pad. Wow.

You stay true to yourself. You are an inspiration.

All the best,


Yes, I am Beverly E(Eloise) Roberts

I got several links to a post on Ditmas Park Blog today in which the co-owner slanders me and I have been forced to reveal my true identity. I do not live in Manhattan but my husband has his doctor's office there. Until I was diagnosed with cancer I would often go in two or three times a week at his office to do the accounting and other things. My official title there was "Office Manager."

As a result of the outing I have withdrawn myself from a couple of the groups that I have been a part of for many decades here in Brooklyn. In addition, because of the harassment by Ditmas Park Blog's co-owners, my long standing catalog contract with West Elm, Pottery Barn, and Williams Sonoma (all of the same company I should add) has been severed, "effective immediately." It is a shame that one cannot have their own website without fear of being harassed and bothered. The first amendment grants me the freedom to write this blog about my beloved neighborhood. Yes, I do live here and no I will not give out my address as I have been harassed enough. I would like to say that I am in one of the many beautiful homes in which I have been criticized for my choice of paint color. Get over it. As to the co-owner claiming that I harassed her and threatened her life while she was pregnant? That is the most absurd and slanderous thing I have ever heard of. I only saw her once in public on Cortelyou with her two kids and what I am assuming was a friend and that was after another neighbor pointed her out to me. No words were exchanged. Also, I am pro-life. I have never bothered or even spoken to her or the other writers in person.

I would also like to point out that the harassment of my family and I started after I interviewed a young lady who used to live in Manhattan and described to me her fear of the co-owners of Ditmas Park blog. She found my blog and wanted to share her story. I was more than willing to oblige. She claimed that her then roommate had been harassed by the police as a result of the co-owners of the blog and that her then roommate turned her over to the police where she claims she was grilled for three hours at her aunt's home in Brooklyn. She blames the co-owners of the blog for the termination of the friendship she had with her roommate. This young lady said that once the cops came to her then-roommates place, her then roommate kicked her out and she was homeless for awhile. She provided detailed emails to me proving that she did nothing wrong. I recently spoke with this young lady who is currently living in Atlanta as she asked me for a doctor recommendation as my husband is a surgeon and knows people down in Georgia.

As for the criticism leveled at me, I did not send any email to anyone regarding Ditmas Park Blog and no I am not affiliated with the other minority owned blog that doesn't like Ditmas Park Blog. Why would I do that? I am not stupid and I have two children who are attorneys and I actually submit my blog postings to them before I publish them for review. Yes, you read that right. There is a reason why I usually post late at night as I often have to wait for one of my kids who do not live in the state to give me the "ok" on my blog posts. They do not necessarily approve of what I am writing but it is clearly vetted. As for "The Real Flatbush" we haven't even so much as exchanged emails nor even met. I think what he is doing is actually commendable and well within his first amendment rights. Ditmas Park Blog has no right or reason to bother either of us.

Finally, if they think this will get me to stop blogging about them, forget it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog doesn't feature a single local minority blog

But I have been told that they are doing the best for the neighborhood! Yeah, the white folks in the neighborhood. There are several minority run local blogs that Ditmas Park Blog refuses to display on their front page. By doing this they are depriving these blogs the exposure and traffic that their white counterparts are receiving on a daily basis to get their message and business out there. This is just another example of what Mr. Smith with his feminine lisp and his emasculating "wife" are doing in order to create an all white Ditmas Park Blog.

Shame on them

They can wish people a happy Passover...

but not Kwanzaa. I love how they note that not everyone celebrates Passover. Not everyone celebrates Kwanzaa either but you could have said something.

On par for the "I am not a natural blonde no matter what I do" Leina.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A little self-promotion

I have been dealing with my own personal health issues but one thing that has brought me joy and I have kept it hush hush for the most part is that one of my children is on the new show called "Model City." I won't embarrass him anymore than I already have but from what I was told at a season end party this weekend was that ratings were good but not great. So now here is the part where a proud mama asks that you all watch the Season Finale this week on CentricTv.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog's Co-Founder Works for a white's-only news agency

As you know this blog has taken to task the founders of Ditmas Park Blog for their lack of diversity and lack of focus on issues affecting all people of the neighborhoods. This may not fully explain where they are coming from but it does explain a lot.

I just watched on CNN's Reliable Sources a segment on POLITICO, which is where one of the co-founders of Ditmas Park Blog is listed as a "Senior Writer." I assume that he is privy to the "top editors and writers" morning meetings that Reliable Sources spotlighted this morning. I watched in shock that there was not a single woman or person of color who was considered to be a "top editor or writer" in the room. It was all white males. Comparing this lack of diversity to the lack of diversity on Ditmas Park blog is anyone surprised?

It is quite disturbing as blogs and websites are becoming the "new media" in which people get their information. We all know how the old media reports on issues affecting minorities such as police brutality and gentrification. Is this what we should expect from Ditmas Park Blog's co-founder and others who are part of the "new media?" If so, I recommend that if you read anything about race or gentrification and it looks like the author is sympathetic to the cops or sympathetic to developers, you need to be suspicious.

ETA: I contacted the co-founder of ditmas park blog about this and of course he has refused to respond. He really should address this or else we are left to think that he is a racist elf.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog Distant Relative Calls Our President, "anti-semite"

Read for yourself. Sure, it is a far off relative and we really shouldn't hold people responsible for their relatives actions but you have to wonder what the rest of the family must really think. This also jives well with the issue of power and police corruption in our own neighborhoods.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random Observation

I think I may have run into the owners of DitmasParkBlog at BAM in Fort Greene over the weekend. They just aren't satisfied spreading their hate in just Victorian Flatbush are they?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DitmasParkBlog founder appears on show slammed for lack of diversity

Although he did not make a physical appearance on "The Good Wife," nevertheless, the co-founder of DitmasParkBlog was on the show in regards to his other gig. He acts all surprised that he was on the show. Of course what he doesn't tell people is that one of the writers of the show lives part-time in Victorian Flatbush. Coincidence? I think not.

"I felt like I was entering the Klan's wives club."

A source sent an email about her acount at that "all lady networking shindig" that the founder of DimtasParkBlog was involved in. She didn't stay very long because she felt very uncomfortable and also found the women to be boring. No surprise there. According to my source, no one was really interested in her even being there and it appeared that practically everyone knew each other before the event. Of course they did, it was at the odious Kris W.'s gallery. I can't stand her nor her children. This is one of the yuppies from the neighborhood who is friends with this other white lady who refuses to comb her BLACK child's hair. It is appalling. The child's hair is always a mess when I see them near the playground or whatever the yuppies are calling it these days.

So there you have it folks, DitmasParkblog is actively promoting white "networking" events.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Source: DitmasParkBlog is following ZERO people of color on twitter

If this isn't further proof that they are gentrification blog I do not know what is. My source says that they don't even have any other minorities that they deem worth following.

Shame on them!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Real Flatbush


Another great blog that focuses on the gentrification thugs of DitmasParkBlog. Go read what he/she has to say about what Ben and Leina are doing to the neighborhood. We can win.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Probably White Women's Networking Salon

Anyone planning on going? Please email me if you plan to. It will be interesting to see the diverse makeup of this group. Or lack thereof as I suspect.

FYI: It is this Friday evening.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Black children not allowed to participate in neighborhood function(UPDATED)

UPDATE: I received several emails stating that this did NOT in fact happen from one member who was there. I asked my source for clarification and did not hear a response back as of this update. If my source can provide further evidence I will post their response and the original post. Until then, it comes down. I went with my source as they were able to provide the EXACT location as to where this occurred and the names of known neighbors who were turned away. It wasn't as if some outside kook was playing games or so I thought.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Purim but no Kwanzaa and Connie's

Just a few quick ones folks.

DitmasParkBlog can take the time to announce Purim but not Kwanzaa? Hmmf.

You know you are a gentrification troll when you demand that the owner of Connie's Cafe changes their name to Connie's Diner. Why? Will it make the food taste different? Of course not, gentrification trolls never engage in logcial reasoning.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whites approve of Commissioner Kelly 80%-9%

This makes sense since whites are only searched and frisked 19% of the time according to the NYPD. I would love him too if I were white. The rest of us, not so much. After the Mineo disaster, the man needs to resign or be fired.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"If you can't take care of your kids, don't have any."

That is the English version of what my mother told my siblings and me when we were about to start our families. I always sort of scratch my head when I read about white women not knowing what to do with their children and then shelling out hundreds of dollars to get someone to do what they should know how to do themselves. Take the owner of Ditmas Park Blog who writes up about how a Freda Rosenfeld (no, not everyone in the neighborhood knows her) came to help her because it was so painful to breast feed her children. Lady, take my mother's words to heart.

I guess if you can afford it and are too much of a certain kind of princess(blacks and browns know what I am talking about) to deal with the pain of childbirth and being a parent, maybe it isn't so bad. Yes, your children will cause you pain but you will love them regardless. Deal with it. For the rest of us peasants, it's called an ice pack.

*Apologies for all the back to back postings.

NYPD Terrorism Continues; Ditmas Park Blog covers white barbershops

The title should be self-explanatory and I told myself that I would leave the calling out of Ditmas Park Blog proprietors to Eloise but I go to a salon like Eloise and other Flatbush old-timers that is run by a wonderful Dominican lady. This salon is also on Cortelyou. Why not the profile of the Dominican salon where women of many generations gather to exchange neighborhood gossip, share family happenings, recipes, and lots of great laughs? If Ditmas Park Blog is supposed to be about the neighborhood why not profile those that are making a positive difference in the neighborhood and not a select few? It appears that Ditmas Park Blog uses its platform to promote the things that they like while not helping out businesses that could always use a bit of free advertising. There also seems to be a trend in what businesses get covered and which do not. I love this area and have no intentions on leaving unless I am in a casket. I love the architecture and the history of the neighborhood as well as my neighbors. I loved the diversity which now seems to be a thing of the past. It is a shame and I hope that the owners realize that what they are doing is creating a forum to promote a whitewashed version of the area.

Office Acquitted; Police Brutality of Minorities Continues; Ditmas Park Blog Silent

What else is there to say when a cop who has a history of misconduct, there is DNA evidence on the baton which he shoved up Mr. Mineo's ass, and another officer testifying? This is our justice system. I am not African-American but a white latina. If someone where to look at my resume they would know my ethnicity automatically but not necessarily when they see me. I have not had any run-ins with the NYPD but I do have a son who has. My son is biracial. Long story short, my son and his friends were harassed and roughed up by the cops. We went to the CCRB, cop was given a slap on the wrist even though the board found that what the cop did was harassment and used excessive force. The cop is back on the streets, pension in tact and probably terrorizing other folks for the hell of it. This is what your tax dollars go towards--the sanctioning of the NYPD as terrorists against minorities. It really needs to stop and it starts at the top.

It has long been past time for Commissioner Kelly to be fired or resign. This is just one in a series of incidents against minorities that have occurred under his tenure with no repercussions. Where was the Commissioner during this case? I pointed out how cops were not showing up for the Mineo trial but what was more appalling was the fact that Kelly was no where to be found. Eloise has already discussed how an innocent family was terrorized by the NYPD because the founders of Ditmas Park Blog didn't like something they said. I saw the exchanges that Eloise made with the lady and the fact that the NYPD would terrorize a young family because the owner of Ditmas Park Blog didn't like being called a punk should scare every single person of color living in New York City. It is important that if you are a minority you must be diligent when dealing with the NYPD or else you might end up with a baton up your ass and no justice.

Gawker, a site that is snarky but often on point gives a slightly funny but dead-on rundown on what you need to do to protect yourself. You can read it here.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Juror #6 Out In Mineo Trial

The Times reports that juror #6 has been dismissed for bringing up the fact that one of the cops was accused of misconduct before. I know that we shouldn't speculate but it appears that there are a few sympathetic souls for Mineo on the jury. Good. I have a gut feeling that they are going to find the cop guilty. Those defenders of Mr. Kern have yet to be able to explain how Mineo's DNA was on the baton. They can't because they know what Kern did. I look forward to Mineo getting his settlement so that he can move away and start a new life for himself.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Health Issues

I have to take care of my personal health which means the next couple of weeks for me will not be pleasant. I'm doing quite better but not 100%. Neighbor Tina will be keeping the blog up mostly and I will pop in when I feel up to it.

God bless.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

DitmasParkBlog expands their gentrification project

They have now created another website called "Kensington Prospect." This is horrible news. They just will not be happy until they have turned all of Brooklyn into an overpriced whiteland. Don't worry, we will be following them over there and calling them out as need be. This is not the end of the road.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cops Not Showing Up For Mineo Trial

I have been following rather closely, and yes, attending a few days of trial of the Mineo case and noticed the same thing--there aren't many uniformed cops there in support of their fellow brothers on trial. The author in this Times piece hints at the fact that it may have to do with the type of crime that the officers are alleged of doing. I personally think it has to do with verifiable witnesses and cameras. It's easy to come to the defense of your fellow officer in the case of Diallo as one could argue that they were going on a description and Diallo reaches for what could have been a weapon. Of course, there was no reason for him to be shot over three dozen times. However, it is not so easy to come to your fellow officers' defense when the suspect's DNA is on the baton that was allegedly used to sodomize him. It is also harder when there are other witnesses who describe the scene in fairly descriptive detail and no one really refutes it.

This case like others before it is just an all too familiar reminder that police misconduct against average citizens of ALL races is a problem. Yes, a disproportionate amount of those are minorities but police misconduct knows no color.

My only hope for this case is that Mr. Mineo will take his city settlement and continue to try to be a productive member of society. As a former social worker, it can be done.



My name is Christina (most call me Tina) and I am a resident of Midwood. Eloise is a member of my book club and when she asked me if I wanted to contribute to her blog I happily agreed. There is not much to say but I am a local New York news and political junkie who likes to knit. I am also a "foodie." I am also retired with three grown children.

My focus here is going to primarily be on local news and food news and whatever else Eloise wants me to cover.

Thanks for reading!


Deep Thought

Would it kill DitmasParkBlog to use a minority photogapher for their "photo of the day?" There are after all several black freelance photographers who are not doing it for a hobby like rich guy Nelson.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"The outrage over a guy writting anti-semetic words on snow, as deplorable as that is, cannot be compared with state sponsored harassment..."

You can say that again. Harold is another Ditmas Park hero. He is absolutely right in his assessment of DitmasParkBlog. Like I said, there are many people in the neighborhood who think that DitmasParkBlog is for whites and jewish people only. The archives seem to point towards that. Are we really all supposed to share their outrage that someone is using their first amendment right in the damn snow?

Updated by Tina

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"the Mineo case is a bit outside of the tiny slice of the city this blog covers, and so we haven’t covered it. .."

  • The Children's Film Festival
  • G&T roundup
  • Third Root
Yeah right. Those were all mentioned on DitmasParkBlog, shockingly do not feature any minorities and all are far outside of the "tiny slice of the city" that DitmasParkBlog claims that they only cover. They can't cover police brutality but they can cover the children's film festival that featured a bunch of white racist trust fund hippies?

The next time DitmasParkBlog wants to send their people to flood my email with rants they might want to do a bit of checking because I did.

Ben gets called out for his selective outrage (UPDATED)

It looks like more and more people have just about had it with Ben and DitmasParkBlog. For those of you who think that I am nuts for going after DitmasParkBlog for being anti-minority, here is just one more instance of why I stand by my beliefs. Heck, my email box is also more proof but I don't need to tell you that.

A commenter asks Ben what we all have been wondering--why do you cover certain incidents(read: white people) and not others?

Will you ever write about the disturbing news that happened on prospect park train station? A cop was charged with sodomizing a man. There’s a court case happening right now. It seems that there’s only one blog that is writting about that. Why the silence when it comes to disturbing news with the nypd? Why are you protected them? What’s the deal here? The incidence you reported is indeed disturbing. No one should be targeted because of their religion, but is that any worse then racial profiling? Why don’t you have the same compassion for the countless African American men who are daily targets by the nypd. After all an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. Your selective outrage is indeed an injustice to all of us who has had the indignity to be targeted for who we are.

DitmasParkBlog's response is even more pathetic. He accuses the commenter of being hostile and confrontational. Translation: stop being aggressive black man! I have made similar comments awhile ago on DitmasParkBlog about how they refuse to cover issues affecting minorities in the area and was shouted down by the gentrification crew.

Also, based on my source for a post I wrote a bit back, it is not uncommon for DitmasParkBlog to stand up for the police since after all they are quite connected. They do not care about anyone but their own people(again, white).

Thanks to those that stand with me in exposing DitmasParkBlog for what it is--a nasty gentrification site that hates minorities.

UPDATE: I should also point out that DitmasParkBlog's response that the incident is outside of their area is complete rubbish. How many times has Ben or Leina started a post, "this is a bit outside of DP or Flatbush but..." Don't make me go through your archives.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Daylaborers" "Scrub their streets."

Then the day laborers on 18th Ave…OMG (I am NOT against them looking for work as day laborers, I understand we all have to work somehow) -commenter on DitmasParkBlog

This is who DitmasParkBlog allows to comment on their site. What else is there to say? They hate minorities. This is the type of crap my dominican hairdresser on Cortelyou gets all the time.

Go Liz!!

DitmasParkBlog ignores local black historymakers

Hi all! Well, my surgery was a success and I have just been at home recovering. My children bought me a new laptop as a welcome home gift with a little web camera so that I can keep in touch visually with everyone. It was a nice welcome home present. Thanks to those that sent well wishes to me from the neighborhood and who also kept me current on what was going on with what the gentrification crew over at DitmasParkBlog. I am quite a bit sore but it is to be expected. The doctor expects me to make a full recovery and I will now have more frequent doctor appointments. I guess being married to a doctor all of these years made me feel immune to worrying about such things. I recommend that everyone, especially African-Americans get regular checkups. The Lord wants us to take care of ourselves!

Anyway, while catching up on what was going on, DitmasParkBlog seems to be celebrating gays and lesbians and not African-Americans. It is after all black history month. Would it kill them to honor those history makers in our neighborhood? Of course it would. They hate minorities. I am not going to do the work that they should be doing by pointing out those African-Americans in Ditmas Park who are worthy of being celebrated this month.

Shame on them!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ben wants you to ignore his past

I am not doing to well right now, but I have to keep my mind occupied and not think of all the suffering I am going through and others in Haiti. Over at DitmasParkBlog, Ben is trying to erase his past by proclaiming that he subscribes to Black Enterprise Magazine. I can't stop chuckling. My husband rolled his eyes. He even cites a page number as evidence! I doubt that he even bought the magazine but probably read it at a bookstore or at a newsstand. Anyone truly believe that Ben would subscribe to BEM given his history? Of course not.

I guess he got some complaints about him being anti-black and anti-minority and is trying to prove otherwise.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ben Smith wants you to be afraid of black men

I am going to be having surgery in the next couple of weeks and am dealing with other personal stuff, but I just wanted to check in to show you the blatant race-baiting being done by the owner of DitmasParkBlog.

I am not going to link to the disgusting piece but right now DitmasParkBlog has a post warning people to beware of a fictitious scary black man. Disgusting. They don't necessarily know if the person is actually black man or just is tanned but here they go posting verbatim an "alert."

Absolutely disgusting but not surprising. I have enough stress but I guess they feel why not pile on.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Away for a bit

I have been getting a emails about my absence. Sorry everyone. I am dealing with my own personal health issue and what is going on in Haiti. My sister's husband is from Haiti and still has family there. Everyone is doing as best as they can but are staying outside of their homes because of fear of aftershocks. Everyone has thankfully been accounted for.

My husband has been affiliated in the past with Partners in Health which is a great organization that is helping out with relief. Donate to them if you can.

I will be back soon. God bless.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Kwanzaa: Too little too late

Oh it looks like DitmasParkBlog reads us or have one of their defenders watching what we post because they are now advertsing on the calendar about Kwanzaa. It's too late. You should have known better. Obviously they do not like being called anti-minority. Too bad!

Hey guys: Kwanzaa ends today not tomorrow. Maybe if you actually knew some minorities instead of kicking them you would know this.